AzaMax, plus drench method (use it in soil)

Spider mites are easy to controll with out sprays. Azamax = neem oil extract both of which should be your last resort. Also you should never use a pesticide systemically (throught the roots). IF you have spider mites keep a pickle jar of cold water in the fridge. mix half cold water with half phed room temp water and give the girls a spray 3 or 4 times a day paying special attention to the undersides of the leaf. Also make sure your humidity is high and if needed bring the temps down to 65-70 to slow the growth/reproductive cycle. Also the coolest natural control is preditor mites. You can order them and they eat multible spider mites/day and out produce spider mites 5 to 1. You do have to put them on each individual plant but once the spidermites are gone they simply die off. You can also use lady bugs but they are not as effective as preditor mites and are a bit more messy. If you use lady bugs release at the beginning of night period to maximize life expectancy. +rep? :) J/k goodluck

Damnit, my post didn't take! Rep'd ya, like the post.
I added my second dose of Aza today. 4.5g water with 3 oz. Aza, plus 1oz. Aza in 2qt's water sprayed on. I still see critters roaming. Not a whole hell of a lot, but enough that I want to keep them under wraps. I was concerned about the plants and the further time it will take with Aza getting through the plants to protect them, that is why I did a spray on today.
Soon as payday hits, I am ordering predator mites as I truly believe in going with natural methods, but I could not afford to wait much longer as I have already chosen this route.

More to come..
Update...After the spray and the soil dose, NO BUGS. As a matter of fact, that Aza appears to truly kill on contact.
I have the leaves that naturally fall off during a grow and have been inspecting closely, I can't find a damn thing.

My next grow, I plan on using Aza once I seperate out my females via soil based. IF I get any bugs prior to, using the spray on method without doubt.
Where I am at, 4oz. is 20bucks. It WILL be part of my grows here forward.
The plants sustained damage by the lil damn critters, but are coming along nicely despite that. Pics attached are from tonight. I will try to take some good pics of hte plants with (what I believe) is harsh pest damage.

edit. I started 12/12 May 21. I think (considering what they have gone through) they are coming along fairly well..What say you??
Oh, one other thing, Aza for outdoors will not do the job. It takes 3 doses across 30 days for it to fully populate the plant. The two plants I planted outside got ate the fuq up! I'm quite certain if I sprayed them down, I would have a fighting chance; but that is a LOT of spray across 30 days waiting for it to kick in via soil based and I have no clue what prolonged spray + soil treatment will do to a plant.

I mowed the outside bitches down. There really was nothing to take pics of outside fugly leaves and some stem (might have been deer too, who knows). At any rate, I wouldn't trust the soil method for outdoor use. Just my $0.02.
That product works well as a systemic with the drench method but requires the addition of a contact-type miticide/insecticide for a faster "knockdown". Neem is contact only with little to no residual control. Rotation with multiple controls to prevent the build up of resistant populations is also suggested for two-spotted spider mites.
for my fungus nats i used azamax,always check filter in hydro for larve,catch them early and u can keep them at bay,maybe not eliminate but bay..but i do not have many flyin,great stuff and can be used untill harvest in res or as foliar spray..and u must apply every 7 to 14 day maybe's...and does not kill good bacteria a plus..
If azamax does not work use 3in1 by safer then in 24 hrs use plant wash the blue organic stuff and your problem should be gone.i have used that method alot and always got ride of them,but i only did that in veg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How much azamax to add to a gallon of water
If azamax does not work use 3in1 by safer then in 24 hrs use plant wash the blue organic stuff and your problem should be gone.i have used that method alot and always got ride of them,but i only did that in veg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[QUOTENyQuilkush318, post: 10480354, member: 845790"]How much azamax to add to a gallon of water[/QUOTE]
Am in veggie
The thread is 4 years old man...

But I add 5 ml per gallon for foliar spraying. For a drench what he did seemed to be too much imo at more than an oz per gallon. Azamax is not a more is better product, a small amount will mess with their reproductive cycle.

Edit: I should add that rotating different products will give the best results. Spinosad is another good product.
The thread is 4 years old man...

But I add 5 ml per gallon for foliar spraying. For a drench what he did seemed to be too much imo at more than an oz per gallon. Azamax is not a more is better product, a small amount will mess with their reproductive cycle.

Edit: I should add that rotating different products will give the best results. Spinosad is another good product.
It's 13 years old now.