B feedeing


Active Member
you don't HAVE to use them at all-- some people swear by them, others believe they are a waste of $$

I like Superthrive & Thrive Alive green-- used every other week at 1/2 rate on the bottle from seedling to week 3 of flower... JMO


Well-Known Member
B vitamins for plants are a waste of time and money. Heres a quote from an academic paper on the topic:

This myth arose from early work on plant growth regulators, called auxins, which were mixed with vitamin B-1. Further research throughout the last half of the 20th century investigating the application of auxins to root systems suggested that auxins may stimulate root growth, but that vitamin B-1 on its own does not. Delving deeper into manufacturer claims, many rely on early research (late 1930s and early 1940s) which has been refuted by subsequent research and/or research done on plant roots excised from the mother plant or grown in artificial media (without soil).