B l a c k W i d o w ' s G r o w !!!

Ya thanks bro i raised it to 18" I also got a fan on the tops and i used the back of my hand to see if it was too hot but didn't seem to be even at 15"? Congrats on your harvest, just under a pound nd a half very impressive man!!! I hope i can pull that off!!!:p
haven't posted in foreverrr coming up on day 60 of flowering chopped 2 of the plants and yielded around 2 ounces dry including the purple widow wasnt very nice buds, but these other 3 plants are doing very well and ill put up some pics of the buds once there done, when would be a good time to leach/flush the soil they look like they can still go a week and a half ?


Well-Known Member
No not I. I do Love Kush though. I am still flowering 3 of 4 Violater Kush. This is day 66, 65 was what they said was limit. They are still white pistiled and getting denser. There are only 2% amber. They look amazing and are just ever so pleasent to watch grow. I am thinking they will go anywhere from 70-73 days instead of 65.
I took one at 65 so I could see whats the skinny.
goddamn gnats:cuss: i'll be ready next time :fire:w.e tho i was almost at harvest anyways i guess onto the next grow ill post the dry weight as soon as its ready!:-P:leaf:


Well-Known Member
thats a fair harvest. Learned alot did you? Your going to make some changes like???
WHere you hapy with your nutes ? How about soil?
Yep learned about the light distances, molasses, gnats, trimming smaller budsites off...when and when not to give nutes.. i was very happy with the advanced nutrients im going to buy more for the next grow tho i only had the 2part grow and 2part flower and the big bud, for my next grow ill use those along with nirvana (has seaweed, and guano) bud feul and maybe some more that would combine well. I'm also going to try super cropping and fim in a scrog. I like soil cause its simple, hydro just seems like you'd have to put a lot more effort for faster yeilds which would be nice but i dont have the time or space. The buds are so stinky they will stink up places even after they're gone lol:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I saw a garden first hand that was super cropped , I did not care for it, but what I did try was~
I pinched the stem to the point of crush and let go , well a few days later it was healed and the lower shoots below crush grew fast and tall, then just above crush area the stem got super fat and grew nicely. It was like lots of tops.
Only did it to the one plant.