B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sweet i was wondering bout the flowertime i've seen different times n some very odd sativa dom ones that weren't blue lol i try n stick to 8 week strains where possible.


Well-Known Member
sweet i was wondering bout the flowertime i've seen different times n some very odd sativa dom ones that weren't blue lol i try n stick to 8 week strains where possible.
looks blueish actually.... now that you said it, rememberd her being a bit blueish at times ^^

heh... :joint:


Well-Known Member
DWR at it again! and looking just as good or better than last time!
keep it going man
and if your gonna pick up more strains, get some white widow


Well-Known Member
DWR at it again! and looking just as good or better than last time!
keep it going man
and if your gonna pick up more strains, get some white widow


Anybody else got any wicked strains that yield good and smell great and look bombastic,, ;)

give me a reply :D

dont thinkj the bottom right one will make 30g's :D HAHA poor bugger

thnx hooked ;) Hope its better than last round.. aiming for 600g's off 600W .. did 650 last time but with an adjust a wing.. currently using that else where ;)

cheers :peace::joint:

might make some photos of the homemade G-Kit we made and also a glance of what else is going on. ;)


Well-Known Member
oh thaty bottom right one is gonna get you 60 g's who are you kiddin :D
haha but yea get white widow from whichever company looks best, greenhouse is the originator of the strain according to some site i was on


Well-Known Member
oh thaty bottom right one is gonna get you 60 g's who are you kiddin :D
haha but yea get white widow from whichever company looks best, greenhouse is the originator of the strain according to some site i was on

yup he says so himself aswell.. :)

will buy of him again... :) and get white rhino.. also might buy cheese again ;)


Other seeds... I am interested in are ak 48, afghani #1,


Well-Known Member
I say get some Cinderella 99...

Fast slut... a true, mostly sativa, 56 day strain...:razz:

Super dooper high too...:weed:


Well-Known Member
I say get some Cinderella 99...

Fast slut... a true, mostly sativa, 56 day strain...:razz:

Super dooper high too...:weed:
ok added to the list man :D

hehe allways wanted to grow them, watchd matso grow em.. beautyfull girls he had :D