Babies in movie theaters?


Well-Known Member
Dude .... no! no no no no no! If you have a child, I'm sorry, you gave up that right to be able to go to places like the movie theater. People that think it's ok to bring babies to movies, especially movies that aren't even child oriented, are fucked in the head. I always make sure that the people that bring the babies to the movies know by the random "Shut that fucking kid up" shouts and what not! Not acceptable. Along with that, bringing a baby that is in a car seat to a restaurant is also annoying as fuck. Why? just why? I also love when the baby starts crying they act all surprised or embarrassed that the kid is crying or making a fuss ... ummm duh ... its a dark ass movie theater that's usually loud as fuck .... dumbasses


Well-Known Member
we were all babies in a theatre once i went to see T2 judgment day when i was 2, but the point is babies and kids will be mostly everywhere deal with it.


Well-Known Member
we were all babies in a theatre once i went to see T2 judgment day when i was 2, but the point is babies and kids will be mostly everywhere deal with it.
lol, so just because someone can do something, everyone else should have to deal with it? ... riiiiighhhht .... Well, if they want to bring their baby into a theater and make me listen to it crying, then I'm going to make them listen to how I don't like listening to that shit ... and so the circle goes, noone gets anywhere with it, therefore, if you think you are going to annoy someone one or cause a problem, why would you do it? If you guessed because they are selfish assholes ... then you are correct sir!


Active Member
It sounds like a lot of people are just as intollerant as I am . I can't stand kids, youth, middleaged or pretty much anyone at the same movie as me.
Unfortunitly as I am outnumbered I just completly avoid busy places like that and set up a great home theatre room. Now I just wait a couple months
after the movie comes out and watch it at my own personal theatre. no kids or other people to be heard and most of all then no one gets to find out
how much of an insensitive prick that I am. Know what you are people and adapt accordingly.:)

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Bridesmaids? You actually watched bridesmaids? You pretty much got what you deserved. Zing!

Babies in movie theaters is retarded. You don't get to do all the same things when you have a baby, you have to make sacrifices. One of those is r-rated movies in the theater, unless you are willing to hire a baby sitter.


Active Member
I cant stand it. Today my mom, my sister, and I all went to see Bridesmaids... as we were watching the movie, two babies started to cry and a three year old begged for popcorn... a tween girl's phone went off, she answered it, then hung up. it rang again. Finally I snapped and said under my breath, "fuck me!" but i guess it was kinda loud, then a baby kept crying so i looked back at the mother... then to try to relax myself as babies kept crying and all extra noise, i kept breathing kinda hard to calm myself down.
But when we left my mom and sister ripped into me for being rude and etc... idk, who the fuck brings babies and three year olds to a r rated movie? and lets them cry?
i hear ya bro. fucking stupid people. movie theaters are no place for kids who dont listen to their parents. one time i went to see deep blue sea with my brother and cousin. there were these 2 ppl must have been parents and some kid with them. they sat behind us and he kept asking them questions and talking. i dunno maybe the kid was partially retarded but i dont care, no excuses, in a public movie you shut the fuck up. if you have to talk just whisper, thats never loud enough to bother anyone. anyways this kept going on and i started saying just loud enough so they could hear "wish this kid would shut up so i could watch the movie." it kept going on and a couple more times i said to my brother and cousin stuff like what the fuck is this kids problem. just loud enough so they could hear and i was sure to use curse words to help draw attention that someone is pissed. finally after a while i snapped and turned around and said very loudly in the middle of the movie shut the fuck up everyone here is trying to watch the fucking movie you annoying little bastard. there werent many people in the theater but the few that were started clapping. i thought oh great im gonna get kicked out now but after that everything was cool. didnt hear another peep. cant believe they didnt even leave or even say anything to me. i hate people society and that shit because of incidents like this so i dont go out anymore. i watch at home instead. besides that my setup is better than theaters anyway. my screen aint as big, but my 7.1 surround system is way better. plus i can make it much louder than a theater. and who needs a big picture when you can just sit close to a big tv.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
i hate the stereotypical loud black wannabe thug posse that go to horror films, that shout and call out and shit, its as if they dont give a fuck. luckily for me i haven't seen a horror film an about 6-7 years. babies are annoying as fuck, as well as teen girls, i went to see pirates 4(fucking worst movie ive ever seen) and they would not shut the fuck up, when the movie ended they started clapping, i was like, shit im happy its over too!


Well-Known Member
while we're bitching about the way people act out in public, i've got a bone to pick with all the morbidly obese folks that block the isles at the grocery store with their electric carts. what about that fat fuck that was on the news last week crying because they wanted her to purchase 2 tickets to sit on the plane, it must be a real joy flying next to her.


Well-Known Member
its not rude to be fat, its rude to behave like a heathen or like society owes you something


Well-Known Member
i hear ya bro. fucking stupid people. movie theaters are no place for kids who dont listen to their parents. one time i went to see deep blue sea with my brother and cousin. there were these 2 ppl must have been parents and some kid with them. they sat behind us and he kept asking them questions and talking. i dunno maybe the kid was partially retarded but i dont care, no excuses, in a public movie you shut the fuck up. if you have to talk just whisper, thats never loud enough to bother anyone. anyways this kept going on and i started saying just loud enough so they could hear "wish this kid would shut up so i could watch the movie." it kept going on and a couple more times i said to my brother and cousin stuff like what the fuck is this kids problem. just loud enough so they could hear and i was sure to use curse words to help draw attention that someone is pissed. finally after a while i snapped and turned around and said very loudly in the middle of the movie shut the fuck up everyone here is trying to watch the fucking movie you annoying little bastard. there werent many people in the theater but the few that were started clapping. i thought oh great im gonna get kicked out now but after that everything was cool. didnt hear another peep. cant believe they didnt even leave or even say anything to me. i hate people society and that shit because of incidents like this so i dont go out anymore. i watch at home instead. besides that my setup is better than theaters anyway. my screen aint as big, but my 7.1 surround system is way better. plus i can make it much louder than a theater. and who needs a big picture when you can just sit close to a big tv.
wow the kids father should of beat your ass for yelling at his son like that,you even thought he was retarded and still snapped on him what the fuck is wrong with you?
You couldn't just ask him to be quiet?With an attitude like that its best you stay cooped up in your house.


Well-Known Member
wow the kids father should of beat your ass for yelling at his son like that,you even thought he was retarded and still snapped on him what the fuck is wrong with you?
You couldn't just ask him to be quiet?With an attitude like that its best you stay cooped up in your house.
I didn't read that big paragraph, but I already agree with dots .... there's always the right way to handle things, apparently you handled it wrong .... asshole :P


Well-Known Member
its not rude to be fat, its rude to behave like a heathen or like society owes you something
I agree, it's not rude to be fat. Being fat is a choice or a condition, the rudeness comes when you don't take into account that you are fat and expect others to make sacrifices because of your choice. I never look down on someone simply because they are fat, but because they feel they are entitled to be fat. In the case that it is a condition, you are basically handicapped, and as I understood it, handicapped people want to be treated like everyone else, with the exception of close parking of course.

i hear ya bro. fucking stupid people. movie theaters are no place for kids who dont listen to their parents. one time i went to see deep blue sea with my brother and cousin. there were these 2 ppl must have been parents and some kid with them. they sat behind us and he kept asking them questions and talking. i dunno maybe the kid was partially retarded but i dont care, no excuses, in a public movie you shut the fuck up. if you have to talk just whisper, thats never loud enough to bother anyone. anyways this kept going on and i started saying just loud enough so they could hear "wish this kid would shut up so i could watch the movie." it kept going on and a couple more times i said to my brother and cousin stuff like what the fuck is this kids problem. just loud enough so they could hear and i was sure to use curse words to help draw attention that someone is pissed. finally after a while i snapped and turned around and said very loudly in the middle of the movie shut the fuck up everyone here is trying to watch the fucking movie you annoying little bastard. there werent many people in the theater but the few that were started clapping. i thought oh great im gonna get kicked out now but after that everything was cool. didnt hear another peep. cant believe they didnt even leave or even say anything to me. i hate people society and that shit because of incidents like this so i dont go out anymore. i watch at home instead. besides that my setup is better than theaters anyway. my screen aint as big, but my 7.1 surround system is way better. plus i can make it much louder than a theater. and who needs a big picture when you can just sit close to a big tv.
You should have asked yourself, what would Jesus do? But then you would have had to set everyone on fire and send them to hell.

On the subject of babies in a theater, the baby is innocent and the parents should have had the foresight and courtesy to bootleg the movie and watch it at home.


Active Member
all this shit is why I just wait till it comes out on dvd or pirate my movies ... at home I can pause to go piss , smoke all I want when I want , rewind anything I miss , take my clothes off , and If any gets too loud .. I can kick em the fuck out : )

edit: and the popcorns so much cheaper