babies r dying?!?!?


Active Member
They stretching damn good.. I am not sure dude. Showing signs of eating itself(i.e. needing food) How hot is your soil? Dont matter the space you got four plants will still grow to be as big as four plants. They will probably kill one another off though fighting for food, water, light ect. How old are they?


Active Member
welp they look fine to me, but ur going to run into the problem of the multiple plants in pot problem down the id choose one bc the others r going to kill each other and go with it


Well-Known Member
I would keep the back right one and ditch the rest, or get rid of the back left one and re pot two of them, keeping 3 total. The back left one looks like toast so kill it.


Active Member
Yeah reas. he got four in one pot. To OP yes they will kill each other. If you only had one plate of food and three ppl trying to take it how hard would you fight? Plants are living things just like us. They breath, drink, eat and move the same just as us but slower. Search a time lapse on you tube of plants week to week and see how they move.. It is incredible.


Don't worry about it. should I Ditch The Ones That Are Welping OR Just Keep The Two Best Ones IN The pot. Will two in one pot be okay?


Well-Known Member
I would kill the wilting ones. You are best keeping just one. And I believe that one is the back right one.