

Active Member
i just planted some california orange seeds into the soil but the thing is that next week its supposed to be cloudy and rainy thursday friday saturday and sunday. can early sprouts survive 4 days of no sunlight due to clouds cuz i heard that they need a lot of sunlight in the beginning to survive???

help pls


Active Member
did you sprout the seeds before just throwing them in the ground? If not chances are slim they'll grow. Either way it wouldnt have popped out of the ground for another week or 2. Next season you'll have steller odds if you let your plants veg out a bit indoors, let it grow a solid root structer before transplanting it outside. That way they'll have way more of a chance surviving in the wild. A little sprout in a huge forest basically would get sufficated by its sorroundings without a few week head start on life. You also have to pick a good spot outside where you are certain gets a lot of light, with too much shade you'll just get a long stem with a couple leaves on it.


Active Member
no look... i germinated them already and planted them so its likely they will come out. i have them out on my balcony and they get about 6 hours of direct sunlight and like 16 hours of light each day and all my other plants grew very well on my balcony and i did exactly the same thing to them. im just wonderin it will sprout in the next 2 days so if it has grown like for 3 days after its sprouted and then there is bad weather for the next 4 days is it likely to die or will it pbably survive?i dont wanne start it off indoors cuz i only have a desk light with 60 watts and i dnt have money to buy better.


Well-Known Member
You should have vegged indoors but don't get me wrong they might surprise you and sprout:-) G'Luck



Active Member
at my house the sun aint out 16 hours a day cuz no matter where u put it thers always a time in the day where there is shade... the balconyis the best in my eyes.... but all my other seeds sprouted out so y shudnt these ones sprout... im sure they will come out i mean y shud i plant them indoors (its mother nature dude) the thing is not the sprouting, wat im saying is once its out and thers bad weather like 2 or 3 days later can it survive with only clouds for 4 days?


Well-Known Member
i sprouted and didnt have a light. so i put them in soil and put em next to my window. 2 days later they were about .5-1 inch


Active Member
Ye im sure theyll grow. the only prob ull come across is that the stem will be quite long until the first true leaves will develope! dont worry ^^

greetz toto