baby pics!


Active Member
this is my first ever grow and i'm trying to learn asap lol. these are my 6 little ladies of white widow. We're at 17 days from seed going into jiffy pot. I'm using all CFL's(half soft white, half daylight) on 24/7 and I'll be adding a lot more hopefully soon. They're in miracle grow moisture control soil, not using any nutes for now(can't find any good ones in stores around here). I've got some good plants, and a couple that don't look 100%. Here are some fresh shots of them. Let me know what you all think.



Active Member
thanks a lot guys! since its my first grow I'm so paranoid over whether or not they're doing good. my only real worry is a couple of small brown spots on one of the lower leaves of the big plant and some curling leaves on others. I'm just hoping it settles itselt out as time passes. I'm trying to not interfere too much with the process and just let them do their thing as natural as I can ya know?