Baby Seedling w/Pics!!

How Is My Girl Looking? Looking For Opinions! PICSSS!

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Hey Everyone. This My 2 1/2 Week Old Seedling. I'm Using A 40 Watt Flouresant Light. I'm Using Miracle Grow Potting Soil. It Works For Me So I Dont Wanna Hear Anything About That. ALso Using A Fan Trying To Build Strong Stem Growth. She's Looking Really Good So Far. She Has A Little Brown Spot On Her Bottom Oval Leaf & Idk What It Is. Check Out The Pics And Lemme Know What You Guys Think. Any Support Is Welcome. Oh & I'm A First Time Grower Just So You Know. KEEP SMOKING!!!!! :joint:


Active Member

Hey Everyone. This My 2 1/2 Week Old Seedling. I'm Using A 40 Watt Flouresant Light. I'm Using Miracle Grow Potting Soil. It Works For Me So I Dont Wanna Hear Anything About That. ALso Using A Fan Trying To Build Strong Stem Growth. She's Looking Really Good So Far. She Has A Little Brown Spot On Her Bottom Oval Leaf & Idk What It Is. Check Out The Pics And Lemme Know What You Guys Think. Any Support Is Welcome. Oh & I'm A First Time Grower Just So You Know. KEEP SMOKING!!!!! :joint:

Sweet Looking! Keep it up!
it's been 2 1/2 weeks since it's sprouted. i know it's growing slow. i have to get new lights for her. what would you recomend i use?
hey man thnaks alot!! shes growing pretty slow right now but shell get there. ill posy new pics every couple days or in a weeks time. check back if you like :)


Active Member
it's been 2 1/2 weeks since it's sprouted. i know it's growing slow. i have to get new lights for her. what would you recomend i use?
If you want to use Floro's then go with a High Output T5. Once I switched over to these and off of the regular t12 floro's my girls grew like weeds. I purchased a 4'HyrdoFarm with four HO 54 watt lights. Search around or hit your local Hydroponics store. You'll be happy with your new investment.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about speed..its short..not stretched..looks healthy.. keep it up...

don't over water... ;) Luck.