Baby's First Grow (Bagseed+ PC+ CFL)


What's up fellas, I've been wanting to do a grow for a long time, but I finally got the motivation to do one. After surfing this forum for about a week or so I decided on doing a PC grow because I'm limited in budget and it seems like a cool way to learn. I'm hoping to get an ounce, it seems like a decent goal. So, getting right into it:

I've got a PC case lightproofed about 18"w x 16"h x 7"d with 2 pc fans, a 3 incher for exhaust and a 1.5" for intake. I'm running 3 14w 2700k CFLs currently but may add 1 or 2 more in the next few days after I see some more growth. I don't know temps or pH or humidity because I don't have the instruments to measure that yet. 24/0 from germed seeds and plan to switch to 12/12 as soon as my girls get some nice growth too them, hopefully within the 2-3 week range. The soil is an organic mix aptly named Organics I picked up from Home Depot a long time ago that tells me its got some 5-10-5 properties. I don't have nutes to add yet but definitely feel like I have some time to pick them up, hopefully this weekend, could definitely use some recommendations.

I've already germed my seeds (bagseed) and planted 3 of them. The first two sprouted on 3/9 and already look pretty sweet. It turns out that I accidentally put two seeds in the same cup, so I'll have too move 1, I'm just waiting for it to look a little better before I do. I have some pictures of the setup and the sprouts.


I am planning on going the LST route after I figure out which of these girls are actually girls. If all 3 turn out to be girls I don't think I'll have enough room. But I've got this feeling that the smallest one right now will be my only female, if I get any. But right now I have one big question, is the red all cool on those stems? I sense that it is just normal for the early stages, but the noob inside of me makes me ask. Hopefully this can be my journal. Also, any suggestions for a container to use other than these cups and when I should move them?


Cool, thank you both. Any advice (or links) on transferring them to the different container? I have some tupperware that should work, how low profile should I be thinking?

Peezo lo gro

New Member
Your plant will prob be 10 inch or so if you crop and LST so it should be low enough to fit that plant height. Tupperware works but you will need some holes for drainage.

As far as transferring just be careful not to hurt the plant. I have touched roots before when transplanting and it didnt hurt it.