Back Again....Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Yo so it's been about 4 years since I logged in and made a post. I initially came here looking for guidance when I started my extremely low budget closet grow.

Well now I'm back with more bag seed lol I know they're all high grades just not sure where they came from. Anyways they are outdoors, the bigeger one has flourished for what ever reason the smaller ones seem to be dormant being that they were all sprouted at the exact same time.

I put them in pots 2 weeks before the end of July. And they have been outside since.....I have been topping the larger one every other node. Im doing this completely natural just sun dirt n water so I'm not any nutes. Let me know wat u think and give me any n all advice 20160822_154512.jpg 20160822_154501.jpg 20160822_154448.jpg 20160822_154528.jpg 20160822_154643.jpg

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Well...As an outdoor grower I can at least warn you of some things. First...I hope you live in a very warm place that doesn't get frosts. This is way late for putting out plants.
Second you should never stick more then one plant in a pot. They will get horribly root bound and suffer.
Third from looking at the color ... looks like some epsom salts (magnesium) is in need (if you are choosing not to use nutes)


Well-Known Member
Well...As an outdoor grower I can at least warn you of some things. First...I hope you live in a very warm place that doesn't get frosts. This is way late for putting out plants.
Second you should never stick more then one plant in a pot. They will get horribly root bound and suffer.
Third from looking at the color ... looks like some epsom salts (magnesium) is in need (if you are choosing not to use nutes)
Epsom salts are a wonderful thing :)


Well-Known Member
How much epsom salts should i use.....say per gallon of water? And thanks for the info abt multiple plants in one pot....I was under the impression it was fine while they're smaller....
I'm actually in Indiana and so far the temps haven't dropped much yet.....summer was hot as fugg this year but I normally take them in at dusk (9pm-930ish) n bring them bak out at dawn (6am) but that's just to be safe.....other than that the temps are fine during the days n probably at night but better safe than sorry. When I looked at it yesterday I thought I mightve seen some calyxes with hairs but I'm not sure I'll have a looksie in a camera is shitty so u probably can't tell from pics

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
Epsom salts are aight, I'd say just get an all around fertilizer with a ratio that is close to 1-3-2 and give it that. Don't overcomplicate it. If it starts getting cold at night you might want to build a little tent to put over her (not on her) when the sun goes down. 1 teaspoon of epsom salts per gallon is plenty, and only occasionally. Go with a slightly low-in-nitrogen general purpose fertilizer, Jack's Blossom Booster is my favorite for flowering cannabis, but anything will do. Don't overwater or overfeed, those are the most common mistakes. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
So far the nights are still pretty warm.....but may start to drop by next week....not too sure but I'll look into it....


Well-Known Member
Sorry my camera's so shitty.... how much longer do u guys think I've got to go? I know I've still got a while...anything to increase bud size or nah?