Back for more advice..


Active Member
Hi again folks,

Back again with yet a few more questions...

On my last 2 grow's i switched them at 6 weeks old which was fine no probs. Now on my 3rd grow and im at the 6 week point when id like to switch again, the prob is i have 3 plants, and 2 refused to grow when they were repotted. They have started over the past 2 weeks to show signs of growth, but they are both only 5" tall. The other one is 20" tall already.

I am happy to let it grow till 8 weeks before i switch in the hope the other 2 will grow at least a few inches more. Is it worth me giving them the extra 2 weeks to catch up abit or end them now and concentrate on the 1st one. I dont have another tent/setup for them to go in which would be the ideal solution.

Running a 400 HPS in a 1x1x2 tent. All temps and humidity are fine, watered yesterday 27/05/15.

Any advice greatly recieved, and thanks again




Well-Known Member
Is 27-5-15 your fertilizer? It's too much. you see how the leaf tips are turning yellow and brown, and the leaves are fading? You're overfeeding them. Maybe that's why you've had some growth problems. Two fans might be a bit much. You only need one.


Active Member
27-5-15 was the date i watered them lol, they only have room temp water till i switch them. Did my last 2 grows the same way ;)


Well-Known Member
It's much easier to determine what's wrong if you take pics in white light.
I was wrong about the over fert issue. Now I think it's the opposite. Also, it looks like the leaf edges are starting to curl upwards. if so, this is a sign of high heat in the grow space. what do you think the temp is?


I would concentrate on the biggest one.. Veg it longer and grow one big tree. No expert but looks like lack of nitrogen..