back pain, suffering !!!

I'm a carpenter, and I have two bulging disks between L1 through L4 the disk between 3@4 is a cercumfral bulg I have a herniated disk between 4@5 that pops in and out when it wants. I've stopped the highintencity interval training and h.v.t. lately because of work and pain.. I still hit the weights but taking it easy. All my weight is carried on my heals . this is the reason for the 1/2 inch rip
I can't twist or leg lifts without putting myself out of commotion for two weeks. If I sit up to fast I drop to the floor feeling like I was struck by lightning.. I'm always hurting my self not paying attention to certain movements.. I'm as strong as an ox but lately I feel like a puss. I've been real snippy to my employees and my family, which I'm always apologizing for . the only insurance I can afford is my liability insurance for work.
Alright, now we're getting somewhere.

You can't squat down, twist, or lift your legs.

You do these movements every day during your job as a carpenter. You also probably carry a lot of stuff one handed, "suitcase" style, and bend down and stoop over all the time. Its like driving around with your car out of alignment.

How did you get these bulges/disc injuries? Sudden, acute injuries, like falling off ladders and dropping stuff on yourself? Or gradually, over time, from being bent over, working all day?

If you can't sit up, or twist, or lift your legs you may need to start easy, with stuff like

Side Laying Clams
Hip Hikes
Seated Psoas Lifts

Find a way to train your legs without loading your back, like hip belt squats, or sled dragging in a power-walk style.
gabapentin, this will stop you whinging or course working out and building a stronger core will help, but only after you are out of pain,

good luck with the bad back
you need some oil my man that will make some of your aches go away. my bro had back op sucked that shit out of his bulging disk

could always ask the doc for some pethidine
get it done! just key hole surgery
my bro up and running, he was nervous about it, being that you can be paralyzed by the opp, but he did it anyway and all good now until something else goes

i think he had one month off work,
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I can't afford it and my crap insurance won't cover it yet. It only allows so much to be done in a year. So it's a waiting game for me at this point
My back is F'd too, I have two jacked disks that I pretty much deal with.

The only thing that helps my back is swimming, its low impact, and great exercise. I swim every morning and its better than anything any military or VA doc has ever done for me. Have had steroid injections, and ridiculous amounts of pain meds prescribed, but nothing helps like the pool.

My prescription is morning tokes followed by a good pool workout.

No idea about the bean bag...good luck with that.
Morning tokes and morning strokes... there's an idea.
Can only suggest getting theraputic massage. Found that helps loosen up a tight achy back... Besides a nice big bowl of mmj.
Morning tokes and morning strokes... there's an idea.
Can only suggest getting theraputic massage. Found that helps loosen up a tight achy back... Besides a nice big bowl of mmj.


As someone with a damaged spine (Cortisone shots - yippeee!) I can certainly understand, I wish you comfort and relief.

As someone with a damaged spine (Cortisone shots - yippeee!) I can certainly understand, I wish you comfort and relief.
Steroidal epidurals and medial branch nerve blocks don't help me much.. I dropped the gabapentin seeing I had got the nerve block's. Don't make sence to me to take nerve pills while on a nerve anyway 4 tokes and 20 strokes every four to six hours..
Hi how's ur back now ? I had l5 operated on as I had bang on back an sharp edge got my spine my nerve is permanent damaged and painful I am having injections every six months also on pain patches matrifen also several pills I have tried but all make me very sick so I stopped most pills in June and haven't been sick but this pain is still their so I saw pain clinic professional doctor may I say and he just palmed me off cause I had pain in left shoulder he said one pain leads to another hmmm I booked in to see chiropractor now wishing I had done it 10 years ago my shoulder in one session he got rid of pain working on my back now to ease the pain as its permanent Damage ( so doc says ). Also a few joints a day help me as I don't get sick on that thank god so give a chiropractor a go if u haven't already
Hi how's ur back now ? I had l5 operated on as I had bang on back an sharp edge got my spine my nerve is permanent damaged and painful I am having injections every six months also on pain patches matrifen also several pills I have tried but all make me very sick so I stopped most pills in June and haven't been sick but this pain is still their so I saw pain clinic professional doctor may I say and he just palmed me off cause I had pain in left shoulder he said one pain leads to another hmmm I booked in to see chiropractor now wishing I had done it 10 years ago my shoulder in one session he got rid of pain working on my back now to ease the pain as its permanent Damage ( so doc says ). Also a few joints a day help me as I don't get sick on that thank god so give a chiropractor a go if u haven't already
It's still jacked up but I'm dealing with it. Next month I got back to michigan spine and pain. Getting more medial branch nerve blocks and steroidal epidurals.