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Well-Known Member
Today 16.08.2008 i switched my bush to 12/12 i didnt have the patient to wait untill the end of the month, but as we all know she will still grow at 12/12, i will keep her at that for 8weeks and at the end i am hoping ( not necessary allot of weed but fuc*ing good weed ):hump:


Well-Known Member
So today i changed my light to the 250 Spna flower spectre and she has been in 12/12 since sunday im hoping to see allot of progress mates :mrgreen:

And now back to puff puff bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Oh my got......
I think i may have a hermie in my closet, a hermie...:evil:

Ill wait for a couple of days just to check ut that if it is just pre-flowers.

God i hope it´s not a hermie....:cry:


Well-Known Member
give it a few more days! i'll pray for it every night before i fall a sleep! serously - Best of luck! peace!


Well-Known Member
Got comfirmation that it is a lady and no sign of any hermie shit...god damn shouldnt be looking at your plant while being high, just getting parannoid :mrgreen:bongsmiliebongsmilie puff puff >>>pass


Well-Known Member
Darn she has been growing tall udner the 250w spna, she is 56CM at the moment and growing with huge speed :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke: