No rain since last post six days ago- the soil in the two 12 gal containers are still pretty moist; Promix is real light when dry but it holds soooo much moisture I still cannot lift/move the containers, can only drag them in my grow area. My back procedures over the past six months have caught up to me and I can't move/carry heavy loads like I used to do. Getting old sure does suck but it beats the alternative!
Here are some pictures from earlier this morning- the white stick is a yard stick to give a relative indication of the height of each plant. Each plant is showing lots of little hairs...
My sativa plant that I "topped" six weeks ago; the new main stem has grown about 4 foot from the topped spot & the plant is now 6' tall. Hard to tell from this image but it looks like it is starting to flower up top.
Here is Jock Horror- also topped six weeks back but has more even growth in the two main stems, lots of bushy undergrowth. Also looks like it might be starting to flower
This is my indica plant- nice and bushy, currently in a 7 gal container which I can move with some difficulty when the soil is moist/saturated. No flowering yet but covered with pistil hairs
My Mystery Seed plant- it is about a month younger than the other plants but is already at 5' in height- looks to be a Sativa to me and, like the others, has hairs forming in all the right places... I will probably repot this afternoon or at some point during the week.
You can also tell from this pic of my limited growing area- it gets about 3 hours direct sunlight and 8+ hours shaded by a high pine tree. Just on the other side of the shrubs on the left is my neighbors patio; no issue now but when the plants start stanking I will have to move them to another spot that gets even less direct sunlight but a far more open space to grow. Every year I move my plants to that area of the yard around beginning to mid-August once flowering starts going strong; in that spot they are not noticaeble to the neighbors but anyone coming into the backyard (guests, pest control, cops) can't miss them.
Finally, the little bastard Pineapple Train Wreck with his balls visible near the top of then plant. I will let him grow to develop the pollen sacs, harvest the pollen, and then pollinate 1-2 buds on each lady to see what kind of seed stock I will have next year. (This is the aforementioned area to where I move my ladies for their final two months). I decided not to nute or repot this guy- should keep watering to get more pollen sacs.
Sorry for the large pictures- I downloaded straight from my mobile device without resizing the images. I will continue with the updates next weekend.