Backyard grow question


New Member
Hello all. What do you think of cutting down tops near the end of the grow? Plants are in backyard and I can smell them from like 4 houses fence can hide that. I would like to get something out of it.. Will the rest of the buds really benefit.. any thoughts and opinions would be appreciated.



New Member
Yes.. I'm in Ontario so everything is legal.. Just keep getting the feeling somebody is going to follow their nose.. Guess I will hold off a bit more..


Well-Known Member
You can really smell them that far away? Are you sure it’s not just on you or your clothes? I’m glad I don’t live in an area where houses are stacked on top of each other. Get a scary dog.

ETA: I wouldn’t cut tops unless they’re ready. Once you do, yes the bottom growth will benefit from more sun and getting more growth hormones. But, then that will grow bigger and stinkier too!

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
If they are willing to snatch them , let it happen
and next year consider 10 plots of ten plants a 1/4 mile apart
You don't win harvesting early


New Member
It's not that I want to cut it off to stop the stink..I just wanted to make sure that I get something off them.. I like the tent idea... At least for show


Well-Known Member
It's not that I want to cut it off to stop the stink..I just wanted to make sure that I get something off them.. I like the tent idea... At least for show
Get a cheap TV and a blow up doll so it looks like someone is in the tent. Worst case you wake up to your doll being violated and the buds all safe.


Well-Known Member
Motion activated sprinkler(s) pointed at ingress point(s).

Axel grease the tops of the fence.

Pet skunk?

Plants look good too btw. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Bro thats like having a whole week at home with your girlfriend alone to tell her you need to study. Dont be that guy lmao. That plant is a beauty, remember most people dont know what weed smells like never mind what it looks like