backyard growroom "Pictures"


Well-Known Member
im in Los Angeles, Ca ive been posting ? up for help but
idk if im like everyone else where i get to happy and rush it
(first grow) didnt fuck up just the location of my growroom
appreciated all help always though

anyways I built a growroom in my backyard think it gets to cold since its outside so i put Pink Panther Insulation around, since I asked questions about space heaters but got some feedback to just use a 1000w lamp (I got a 400w) produces more heat. Space heaters to expensive.

any other ideas on how i can keep a constant temp



Well-Known Member
I use a small 400W oil filled thermostatic radiator for the cold nights when my lights are out, works a treat. I did not want to burn anything for risk of fires and I didn't want hot air blowing out from a fan heater, so the oil filled radiator is perfect. I got it for about 40 quid (80 US $)...

I have it on a timer and it just comes on after my lights go off and before they come back on. My night time temps never get below 18 deg C.


Well-Known Member
Definitely use an oil heater. Gives off a gentler heat.

Uhm, does your combination moisture meter/pH meter/light meter work for pH and light? I'm thinking of picking one up, but they seem like a scam :-|.


Well-Known Member
Definitely use an oil heater. Gives off a gentler heat.

Uhm, does your combination moisture meter/pH meter/light meter work for pH and light? I'm thinking of picking one up, but they seem like a scam :-|.
If his is like mine it's a piece of shit and it looks like the same one.:blsmoke: The moister meter works good and that's about it.


Active Member
I use a oil raditor heater too. Had to monkey around with it until I got it right. Played havoc with my humidity levels. Also, some of those plants look a little small to be under the 400 watt light. Invest in some flo's to start off with. Just a suggestion.


Well-Known Member
damn bought me a space heater plugged it into my power
and it shorted limited power guess im going to have to leave
lamp on longer


I would just flip the light schedule to where ur lights are on at night and off during the day so that way the temps won't get as low? maybe? But idk if u can light proof it well enough to keep light out during the day? But even the then the temps could get to low.


Well-Known Member
its an old pic just anything that is given to me or sprouts around my house I put in the light update my new pics as soon as i get a camera