Bad, Bad nutrient burn. Using amendments.

Yep - If it was me , I would get some kind of tote , toss plant , save medium / break it up / add a bag or half of one of Happy frog plain ….
and turn that charged mix into it . Then you end up with a tempered nute ready to use container soil. Water grow ready.
Kinda. But you can flush it somewhat. As the microbes break down the nutes, you can remove some excess by watering until runoff. And some organic dry amendments can be flushed out easier than others.

Watering more often will make the nutrients less concentrated.
Which organic dry amendments can be flushed out easier than others?

Here I’ll tag you too. @PadawanWarrior since I don’t want you to miss this important question. No doubt you’ll dodge it or paste a South Park meme instead.
Go easy with the nutrients. Looks like you used 5-10X what is needed. The plant will ask you for them. Think about tomatoes or other crops you grow and how they grab almost everything they need from the soil.
Hydro, hydro, hydro!!! Soil is blah hahahaha!! Just kidding yall don't kill me. I appreciate all cannabis anyway you wanna grow it ill smoke it. As long as it's not the old brown frown mexi brick lol
Most likely will keep not much work to do with it other than water tf out of it haha

Looks fire asf bro. question then…When do you personally add nutes in?

I mix 1cup of dr earth/10 gallons of soil and don’t feed till I see preflowers and I don’t feed much, once a week I give a bit of fish/kelp fertilizer and some molasses