Hear here, plantmagic! I think the 14th amendment is an awesome reason to repeal the 25 mile rule. One thing I think irie forgot to bring up is the intense interest that the federal government has with dispensaries operating as not for profit but projecting millions of dollars per year in revenue. How I read the fed memo is that though it's okay for sick people to use marijuana to alleviate their symptoms; the feds do not agree with the mass industrial farming of medical marijuana under the guise of 'not for profit' and rightfully so, IMO. the way the DOJ wrote their last memo leads me and others to believe that they don't care about sick people growing a few 'pot plants' they are worried about these business types making millions of untaxed revenue by cultivating thosands of plants that are still against federal law. Let's hope the feds will do the right thing or at least do it to spite AZ's sb1070 bill, lol