Bad Pot Experience


Active Member
So, last night was the third time in my life I've smoked up. And it turned out to be the worst experience yet.

Measured out .43 grams of this sweet smelling stuff. I'm by myself smoking it. Halfway through I'm having auditory hallucinations. By the end of the .43 grams I'm hearing all kinds of music. The fan is playing techno as it keeps a fast beat. Out of the walls I hear an orchestra. My heart is racing. I start to lose touch with reality, and feel like I'm going to die. Or that I am dying. That's what got me- the panic and terror that set over me.

Then time itself begins to play with me. I manage to get to my feet. I remember going to my bedroom, then doing the same thing again as my mind rebooted. This happened over and over. My perception of time slowed down and the nightmare seemed to take forever.

I did this while extremely sleep deprived. I had insomnia the night before and hadn't slept. I thought this would get me to sleep (but I couldn't sleep until things settled down).

I managed myself in two ways. One, I found some lorazepam and took that. Two, I went on the forums. I don't remember what threads I looked at, but I want to thank everyone who had already talked about this, about reassuring yourself that it's only temporary. It really helped a lot.

The funny thing is, after the first hour a more normal high set in and I was able to joke with my wife (and then the munchies occured, etc).

I won't stop taking it, because it works well for the pain, but I want to know if there are certain strains I should look for to prevent this from happening again. Or more specifically, are there more 'calming' strains out there to try?


Active Member
So, last night was the third time in my life I've smoked up. And it turned out to be the worst experience yet.

Measured out .43 grams of this sweet smelling stuff. I'm by myself smoking it. Halfway through I'm having auditory hallucinations. By the end of the .43 grams I'm hearing all kinds of music. The fan is playing techno as it keeps a fast beat. Out of the walls I hear an orchestra. My heart is racing. I start to lose touch with reality, and feel like I'm going to die. Or that I am dying. That's what got me- the panic and terror that set over me.

Then time itself begins to play with me. I manage to get to my feet. I remember going to my bedroom, then doing the same thing again as my mind rebooted. This happened over and over. My perception of time slowed down and the nightmare seemed to take forever.

I did this while extremely sleep deprived. I had insomnia the night before and hadn't slept. I thought this would get me to sleep (but I couldn't sleep until things settled down).

I managed myself in two ways. One, I found some lorazepam and took that. Two, I went on the forums. I don't remember what threads I looked at, but I want to thank everyone who had already talked about this, about reassuring yourself that it's only temporary. It really helped a lot.

The funny thing is, after the first hour a more normal high set in and I was able to joke with my wife (and then the munchies occured, etc).

I won't stop taking it, because it works well for the pain, but I want to know if there are certain strains I should look for to prevent this from happening again. Or more specifically, are there more 'calming' strains out there to try?
sounds like some good shit you smoked brah. :eyesmoke: The Cali boys can help you out on the diff strains and what they do and all that scientific stuff lol. I just smoke good weed and either I laugh alot or I get tired haha :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke: Send me some of that shit if you got any left lolol


Active Member
excellent! sounds like good fun.

remember doug adams' mantra:


(and don't forget yer towel)



Active Member
Oh, and I'll add that the stuff smells beautiful. Like musty evergreen. Dense buds. The person I bought it from wasn't sure of the purity, but I guess that means it's potent?

I was desperate at the time, so I paid $60 for 3 grams...


Active Member
Ha! So it seems like I had some potent stuff. I take it an amateur such as myself should be more cautious?


Well-Known Member
It can get crazy for me also since I have a low tolerance, just keep tokin and enjoy it. Eventually will you will build up a bit of a tolerance and it won't be so crazy. Either that, or just smoke less. I know I can get completely baked off of 3 hits from a joint


Staff member
ha eh dont worry bout it shit was just potent, once i kept getting this pot from this guy and it freaked me right out it shot down electric shocks down my sides and back it was all fucked up lol


Well-Known Member
How much grams did you smoke IN ONE TAKING? Damn that must of have been a trip and your wife was tripping on you...


Active Member
Thanks for the advice everyone. Tried it again. This time split it with a friend. Once again I'm tuning into music coming from the walls, but I can channel things much easier and now my friend and I are laughing. The high came on slow and builds up over several minutes.

But anyways, its nice. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
I've never hallucinated from smoking weed. When I first started, shit would start feeling surreal and like I was in a dream, but never saw/heard shit that wasn't there.


Active Member
I've never hallucinated from smoking weed. When I first started, shit would start feeling surreal and like I was in a dream, but never saw/heard shit that wasn't there.
when i first started i used to get full-blown symphony orchestras playing the most amazing phantasmic compositions...
my response antics used to freak everyone else out pretty bad, but i had a grand ol' time with it.
if only i'd had the sense to transcribe some of that music...

'haven't experienced anything like that since those early youthful days, but not for want of trying!



Active Member
Tonight I thought the TV was on constantly. Would go down and check it periodically. Other than that, it's hilarious.

Thanks all for the advice.