Bad seeds?

Quick noob question. About a year ago, I bought seeds online from a vendor (actually goggled cheap marijuana seeds) . It was my first grow. After almost killing them with nutes in veg (1500ppm)&(3 weeks with a calmag problem i did not address right away) At about 8 weeks into budding i got concerned. There were no thc on any leaves and the hairs were turning. At 10 weeks 3/4 of the hairs turned but still no thc. I trashed them.

My question is: I still have alot of those seeds left. Do you think it was a genetic problem and i really did get bad seeds or could it have been because i stressed them too much. After a couple successful grows (clones from friend) I am ready to try again. I know now not to buy seeds from just anybody


Well-Known Member
probably was a combination of cheap genetics treated horribly with that said I would grow the rest of the seeds you have combined with you honed grow skills should produce some good herb, good luck

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i would say throw them in and see what they do if you have enough space
you just have to be prepared to be let down again and if you are you need another plant to provide you with some smoke


Well-Known Member
grow what you have and throw some good seeds growing at the same time in that way you will have some good bud for sure
