Bad smell bud like old beer


I had a batch of crops that I cured but must have not been cured correctly cause when I opened it a couple days ago the jar made a real loud pop like it was vacum sealed which it wasn't cause it just was put in a regular mason jar. The bud was the worse smell I ever smelled it smelled like cheap beer that was extremely old. Other jars of same strain were awesome and smoked good. My question is there any way I can get this bud back to its good old smell?
I had a batch of crops that I cured but must have not been cured correctly cause when I opened it a couple days ago the jar made a real loud pop like it was vacum sealed which it wasn't cause it just was put in a regular mason jar. The bud was the worse smell I ever smelled it smelled like cheap beer that was extremely old. Other jars of same strain were awesome and smoked good. My question is there any way I can get this bud back to its good old smell?
Any insights would be greatly appreciated
i highly doubt that you'll be able to do much with the smell and taste of the already cured bud..
sounds to me like you either dried it too quickly and put it into the jars when it wasn't ready, and or, when you put it into the jars, you didn't burp them often enough and they may have gotten some rot or mold on them, giving you that funky smell..
or you could have just messed up the cure and not gotten any rot or mold, and they just smell like poo.. again, not much you can really do about it now in my opinion..
It looks like regular but no sign of rot I checked threw every single bud extensively and it smells almost like when we cleaned our frat house and the beer sat all weekend and it just smells like cheap old stale stagnant beer haha
Could it be that the jar was previously used for something stinky and not washed well? Sometimes used jars retain smells that will not wash out no matter a pickle jar for instance will always smell like a pickle.
I had a batch of crops that I cured but must have not been cured correctly cause when I opened it a couple days ago the jar made a real loud pop like it was vacum sealed which it wasn't cause it just was put in a regular mason jar. The bud was the worse smell I ever smelled it smelled like cheap beer that was extremely old. Other jars of same strain were awesome and smoked good. My question is there any way I can get this bud back to its good old smell?
That pop the jar made makes me think the pressure inside the jar had changed, meaning something was living in there, and the smell of old beer is that the beer is mold/mildew, thus they smell similar, probably needed to burp the jar more or put the bud in after a longer hang.
That's what I thought to with the yeast type of smell to. But I'm betting your right with not burping it and the pop sound being something building up in there, but the jars were brand new so nothing else was ever in them, I'm just trying to figure out a way to get that sweet smell back like they smelled so good then within an instance it was horrid. And no beer spilled on it never around anything like that haha.
My guess is mold, if you're curing in jars, it can happen quick if the temp or humidity changes. It might not be super visible, it can look like trichombs without a magnifier. A black light will make it show up real bright if you have one. I lost a lot learning how to cure, then I discovered Boveda packs, no more problems.
My guess is mold, if you're curing in jars, it can happen quick if the temp or humidity changes. It might not be super visible, it can look like trichombs without a magnifier. A black light will make it show up real bright if you have one. I lost a lot learning how to cure, then I discovered Boveda packs, no more problems.
Ya I was going to try those out this year but was unsure of how they worked and which ones to get