Bad Soil and feminized seeds


New Member
I have few questions.
So I believe I have learned my lesson with using cheap soil from Lowes. I purchased some organic soil from there and sprouted some (3) seeds in it. Right around the time the seedlings began their second set of normal leaves, I encountered an infestation of tiny little looking fruit fly things. Started out as just a few but soon just exploded and them fuckers where everywhere out of control. They did not appear to be causing damage to the seedling plants but they had me scared to death as those seeds where expensive and took a lot of time to arrive and even more time spent shopping around for exactly what I wanted.

So I said "fuck it"! and went and purchased the expensive fox farm ocean forest shit. I would have preferred to wait longer for them to get a little bigger but the flies just had me too damn worried so I transplanted which was difficult trying not to transport any of flies as well.

So was pretty obvious that the shit soil had live eggs in it which hatched once water and right conditions were present. All I could say is I've heard of this but now my first experience with it so Stay away from cheap soil.

It has now been about a week since transplanting, two of the seedlings are just about gonna make it I think but now experiencing issue with one seedling that does not appear normal.

I already use Foxfarm growbig and wondering, will I need to use it with this type of soil??

Do feminized seeds grow slower at first? First time using them and wondering if that was bad idea too

I've never had experienced strange looking seedlings, almost like a mutation or something and was wondering if it was result of being feminized seed?
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Here are the one i think will be ok:

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Well-Known Member
Fungas gnats. It happens even in good soils. Its a sign of over watering as they don't like dry soil. Sprinkle a thick layer of sand or perlite on top of the soil and it will break the breeding cycle.


Well-Known Member
Fox Farm soil is pretty Hot. You will not need to add Nutes for about a month.I've used Lowes soil for my garden and potted plants and never run into a problem. Must have been the luck of the draw.


New Member
i had only watered the seeds three times before they coming out of the soil and used small cups with good drainage and small


New Member
I think i get rid of that one it has been like frozen. planted all at the same time but that one is not looking right