Bad weed Trips


Well-Known Member
Only bad experiences I have are when I oversmoke, nothing like a trip tho, Just tired as hell to the point where I have to lay down and cant lift my head up.


Well-Known Member
By bad trips I guess you basically mean whiteys, I'm sure a lot of people on here have stories but most of them have already been shared, I remember at least a couple threads about whiteys lately try and find them if you're interested.


Well-Known Member
holy shit do i have a story for you guys

im to high to type it all right now then

soon though


Active Member
Around here a bad weed trip is mostly known as a "whitefish". Some might describe it as an anxiety attack. Whitefishing is when you are light headed or dizzy, sweating, increased heartbeat, and you might even throw up. I think it might have to do with how much you're breathing, but I've only had a very mild experience once during a gnarly Jamaican shower hotbox. I've seen some people throw up and/or have their face go pale white hence the name "whitefish".


Well-Known Member
...have you ever smoked weed before? You can't really have a "bad trip" cause you don't trip. You might get a little paranoid but thats about it.
i sort of agree. the first time i smoked dank (nuggets not schwag) aka "really good weed", i began seeing two of everything for about a half an hour :D


Well-Known Member
i was not tripping or anything...jkst real fuckin high...we went to a high school bball game and i just sat there stoned off my ass


Well-Known Member
Worst 'trip' I had was when I was at a friends apartment. I got a little over an 8th of some SHIT weed for free from a friend. I decided to smoke it. I smoked the entire 8th and just got a little stoned. Went to taco bell, ate an ass load, came back to the apartment, smoked 6 Djarum Black's (cloves) in a row, and then ate some Ramen. I started to sweat like a mother fucker so I went outside on the balcony, I sat down and started to chug some water but I eventually threw up hard core. Bean burritos and ramen everywhere! I also had a couple beers which didn't help. And I had been living off of ramen and taco bell for a while which didn't help my cause either. I threw up because I ended up getting nicotine poisoning thanks to the Black's and had a sodium overdose thanks to the Ramen. After I was done throwing up I drank some gatorade (remember to have gatorade around if someone OD's on sodium, it'll save lives) and then had an awesome night after that. After that one time I've never thrown up while stoned.

But you all do know that with very high doses of THC, weed is considered a hallucinogen... I have tripped before off of a lot of hash and some nice ass bud.

The story for that was it was my guys b-day. I had just gotten off work and met him in the parking lot. We hot boxed his car with a bowl of trainwreck and bubble hash made from shiskaberry on top. We smoked 4 bowls of that (I hadn't been smoking for 4 months when we did this) and I was tripping HARD. Like I saw fucking colors everywhere, shapes that spun around and morphed into statues, tunnels that I would fall through, and all the time I couldn't stop fucking laughing. I almost threw up that night but never did. It was amazing.


Well-Known Member
Lol I guess you can see some weird shit while high. I just remembered one thing in particular involving masturbation and weird rainbow colors, I will say no more except that I was pretty fucked up:peace:


Well-Known Member
My worse thing was when the weed was laced with meth back in... grade 9..
I use to go over to a friends house every lunch hour and blaze.
So we blazed I go back to school It was science class and I just sat there the whole time staring. The teacher came up to me and said 'are you okay' and I just said yeah. He told me to go to the office and take some Advil because I was so white and my head was really warm.

It was fucked up I had like bugs crawling underneath my skin and the whiteboard would be in one place and I'd blink my eye and it would be right up in my face.

It was some scary shit.. I don't see why people would want to do meth..
Btw, I didn't know the weed was laced with meth till later, the guy told me that the dealer just told him that he didn't know or something, t'was confusing.


Well-Known Member
lol that isht is krazy wen it was laced i kno it had to have tasted differnt or sumthin? u wer'nt curious y that was happining 4 u found out


Well-Known Member
lol that isht is krazy wen it was laced i kno it had to have tasted differnt or sumthin? u wer'nt curious y that was happining 4 u found out
You do not realize how hard to read the post was.
But it was bud, I was a kid, I didn't care lol. Pot tasted all the same to me back them.