Bad year for Malaysia aviation.

i can't believe he thinks he's hot.

and what is that on his face?..goggles?

When men get hot, they can take their shirts off, sorry you seem to be jealous. I highly doubt he took his shirt off because he is vain and wanted to show you his pudgy belly.
seriously, has there ever been a "Good Year" for malaysian aviation?

who in their right mind flies a passenger plane through airspace where russia is making war?

who in their right mind flies on malaysian airlines?

who is surprised when airlines get shot down by the russians?

so much fail, this thread is DOA

Was MH17 flying through warzone to save fuel? Other planes shown steering well clear of disupted area
cool it, righties.

you're getting a little too homo-erotic with putin for your own proclaimed and well-established heterosexuality.

people are gonna start wondering.

Intercepted phone calls?
Putin says wannabe Russians don't know how to operate it, even if they have it.
I'm not sure how this is going to play out, but this is one helluva opening card...

Intercepted phone calls?
Putin says wannabe Russians don't know how to operate it, even if they have it.
I'm not sure how this is going to play out, but this is one helluva opening card...

New cold war? Putin has a choice to make now - continue supporting the rebels or denounce them. Based on the statements he's made since the news broke it's looking more like option A.

I've no idea how they're going to start recovery process as news reports are stating the debris field is scattered over a 25 square km area, in rebel controlled territory in terrain difficult to access. Outlets have also reported rebels are in control of the Black Box and from the footage I've seen towns people are freely walking the crash site picking up souvenirs.
Its beginning to look more and more like Russian separatists (with possibly support from Russia) who shot down the plane on mistake. Probably some drunk Russians with expensive military equipment pressed the wrong button or misidentified an aircraft.
I'd love to see video of the missile strike and the plane breaking apart as it falls to earth.

Word is there is one survivor.

They just so happened to have a parachute in his carry on.

As the plane broke apart he had the wherewithal to put it on and wait until he could exit.