Badass Movie Scenes!


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A great scene from one of my favorite movies from the 90's, one of Jack Black and Seth Green's earliest movies


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Any movie which has someone of significant power(illegal power) talking to a nobody about the facts of life, is always bad ass. Very much like when Eddie Temple is talking to 4x in Layer Cake at the end.



Active Member
I like a good fight scene when wasted.
This, is a good fight scene.
Vintage Chan from Drunken Master 2, I think.


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and then it gets better.


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the music....i used to love this movie when i was like 14 years old.


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bruce lees face at the end, lol, he was so sad to kill chuck! bruce lee was like 130 pounds but i guarantee he'd destroy like a Brock Lesnar in a fight. also, chuck you gotta do something bout that back hair, how does it only grow in a strip across your deltoids?


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Great acting from Giovanni Ribisi (Wade), dude totally sells this scene, I thought he was a great addition to the already amazing cast


Well-Known Member

This scene is beautiful

Everything about it, the terror of facing death in the beginning to the mutual fear shared together with strangers, to the appreciation of life and all it's subtle beauty walking through the hospital, and the ultimate acceptance of mortality at the end, absolutely fucking beautiful. JGL is an intelligent dude, and great at his job, damn. Looking forward to his career for sure!