Badass Movie Scenes!

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In 2001- A Space Odyssey. The original. Yeahh.

One of the baddest movie scenes ever was the opener of Toy Story 3. I just loved the escalation ... from a foiled train robbery all the way to a thermo-simian bombing. cn
Depressing as fuck man! Not my kinda movie, I can appreciate the acting though, spot on.

I read the book so I enjoyed the movie.

And about Kill Bill, fuckin hated those movies.. Anything with one person fighting 10-15 (and in the case of Kill Bill 200!) fuckin people is RETARDED. I feel offended the producers would actually think I'd buy it, then even more offended because millions of people do! and they make more!!

Those kinds of movies are the best! They're great because they make for an enjoyable time at the theater. Same thing with Paranormal Activity... It was such a stupid film but it was amazing because of how much fun it was seeing it at the movies. The crowd reactions, the laughter after hearing people get scared... Movies are meant for people to go and have a good time, regardless of the genre.
One of the baddest movie scenes ever was the opener of Toy Story 3. I just loved the escalation ... from a foiled train robbery all the way to a thermo-simian bombing. cn

i'll have to start an animation movie scene thread... they're exactly the same as a live action film, but so much more brilliant.
That came across as rather rude, imo.
I checked Youtube but could not find the scene in question. Youtube generally has minimal Pixar. Maybe you can do better. cn

Take me second by second your reaction. You read my comment "you never heard of youtube or what?" and thought it was rude?

I know you're a smart guy, I'm genuinely curious why you felt that was rude (so I can avoid it in the future). I was kind of just jokingly implying we've all been posting video's, why aren't you posting a video too? lol, sorry it came across as rude, my friend, not my intention, I <3 you!


[/COLOR]Those kinds of movies are the best! They're great because they make for an enjoyable time at the theater. Same thing with Paranormal Activity... It was such a stupid film but it was amazing because of how much fun it was seeing it at the movies. The crowd reactions, the laughter after hearing people get scared... Movies are meant for people to go and have a good time, regardless of the genre.

Aaah man, for certain movies I'd agree with, but for others, not so much. When the rest of it is supposed to be taken seriously, then they throw some shit like a fight between one guy vs. 50 other people... just totally loses me... It's like they go "OK, so for this scene, I want you to give your best performance ever, make me feel the situation, make me beeeeelieeeeeve!" scene... "OK, so in this scene, one guy's gonna come out and throw a right cross, you block it and knock him the fuck out, then 25 of his friends are going to rush out and throw a single punch, one by one, that you block and counter with a kick to the face knocking them all unconscious, then at the end you're gonna say this cheesy as fuck line so the audience knows you're a badass not to be fucked with! aaaaaaaaaaaand action!!"

.... like, give me a fuckin break, the entire rest of the movie is rendered just as cheesy as fuck as that one scene...

I LOVE THE MATRIX, one of my favorite movie series ever, and that scene in part 2 with a million Smith's is just fuckin' ridiculous.. Just about ruined the whole movie for me...
what the fuck happened?
we used to be able to post as many videos as we wanted with one post.. fuckers.

Old action films with arnold brings back memories.[video=youtube;pDxn0Xfqkgw];feature=related[/video]
I encourage you to watch it.
i gotta find out what workout rdj did for sherlock holmes, lean and muscular but non overdone.
