• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

BadKat's CannaPharm: Canna Caps, UV Reactive Glowing Hash Candy, Canna 'Bombs' & More


Active Member

Originally Posted by mellokitty

it'll probably work, but it might not be the most efficient extraction... chocolate is only partially fat.....

i'm not talking extraction
i'm talking replacement
it's to be used in the "canna caps" (the weed pills, on the first page of this thread)
it looked to me as if he was using the food grade Coconut Oil. (2.5 tsp) as a "cut" for the kief and also as a way to hold it (the kief) solid in the pill caps as to not desolve the pill
but i was just thinking that chocolate would proform in the same matter (solid and room temp, and also easly found EVERYWHERE, and always digestable )

Hello everyone, sorry for the absence! I've been having a rough time with my own health and living situation (confusion with the bank, done fixing their errors, finally just handing the house back over to them at somewhat of a loss), but I'm back! At least for the moment :)

And I am SO pleased to hear that I've helped some of you, to help so many others.. that's why I'm here.

The below (some of which I've cut from my posts over at a forum, where I spend a bit more time) isn't quite what you asked, but it discusses some similar points, and it's all good stuff to know when picking out your supplies. Mellokitty has the right idea :)

Ideally you should be breaking down your glandular material in a pure oil source. This is why, when using butter, it's recommended that you use clarified or 'ghee'. Water reduces the efficiency of the breakdown, extending the time it takes to promote the highest bioavailability. Water was once widely utilized as an old-fashioned attempt at temperature control, which can be accomplished -better- in a double boiler, by not only eliminating the need to dilute the oil with water, but by not subjecting the material directly to the heat source... without that protective layer, mixed-water or no, this damages the product. When water is blended, it requires either a longer processing time and degradation of some material and more terpene content, or halting before the breakdown is entirely complete. This results in the brackish, butter-waters, with the moderately oily, but still-solid glandular material sinking to the bottom of the separated water (as it does when making ice hash)... I've seen many tragic recipes, encouraging people to dispose of this 'waste water'. When people are still resistant and cling to the old ways, I encourage them to at the very least incorporate the brackish water into the recipe. This includes much more of the (for many) less pleasant, inert plant matter.. when potency could otherwise be achieved, without water-washing your butter or oil, if the water had not been used in the first place.

The above does not entirely apply here (hash/herb oil), but it's the same idea with using a store-bought chocolate minus the effort of straining the herb. The glandular breakdown will still require much more effort, in which case it's a matter of heat and time, over potency achieved versus potential degradation. Just like exposing it to heat, light and air can degrade the potency, there is a reasonable limit in which it should be processed, and it is also why sealing your container well is crucial. This helps to contain any potential vital terpenes and delicate cannabinoids in the form of unwanted vapor. The process does not need to smell up your home; the better you contain it, directly coincides with the potency of the end-oil.

(herb, and hash)

Originally Posted by Disco Stu
Recipes look great. Thanks for posting. I have a capsule related question for BadKat or anyone else: why not just pack loose hash or finely ground herb into the capsules? Does preparing it in oil or butter actually increase potency or absorption? Thanks!

No problem

(Part of the below is an excerpt from a recent PM, covering the same topic)

The reason you wouldn't just pack loose hash or herb into a capsule, is because grinding up herb, and tossing it into a recipe (or worse, a capsule), is not how you make an edible. It's close to the 'worst-case-scenario' edibles, such as firecrackers, made by folks who for whatever reason have little to no access to a kitchen or the supplies required to make a proper edible, but even those have a higher oil content, and require a longer cooking time.

Cannabis glandular material is notoriously difficult for the body to digest, break down and absorb, under normal circumstances. This is why we unfortunately have so many failed edible stories. It's not as simple as just tossing ground material into a recipe, the little amount that is made available to your system in that way, requires a huge dose, when compared to a properly made oil.

You need to first activate, then more importantly, spend the necessary time breaking down the glandular material in a pure oil source, ideally an oil source such as coconut oil, olive oil, or grapeseed oil should be used for best results, then 'ghee' or clarified butter, and finally, standard kitchen butter.

Decarbxylation 'activates' your cannabinoids. Decarboxylation removes the carboxyl group in the form of carbon dioxide and water vapor, converting cannabinoids from their inactive acids, to their more potent (and active) delta forms. This would normally occur when you apply heat to either smoke, or vape your canna, activating then breaking it down to be absorbed, via inhalation.

The time you spend processing, is time your body simply does not have to break down and absorb such resistant material; in other words, you want it to enter your system in an already bioavailable form.

This makes the difference between a patient enduring a 2 - 3 hour onset, and only a mild buzz from over an entire gram of material (for 'quickie butters' and toss-in raw edibles), to a fast 20 - 25 minute, often intensely cerebral onset, and long-lasting medicinal and almost narcotic sensations, from as little as 0.25g or less material, depending on your tolerance and digestion. Ideally when taking an individuals dose into consideration, failing or altered digestion aside (which can inhibit uptake), you should not be able to consume more than you would smoke in a single session if you're an average smoker, or a day if you're a heavy user.
And for especially heavy users, using quarters to halfs, and more per day, a bioavailable edible oil made using the lecithin liposomal encapsulation technique, known to be more effective than the Bioperine used by Cannabrex, (liposomal encapsulation is used in pharmaceuticals for improving uptake and bioavailability in everything from Vit. C, to prescription painkillers, due to the fact ir provides almost the equivalent of an intravenous application) can drastically reduce you're required intake in all regards, besides the simple desire to smoke for pleasure. I use this in all edible oil processing; it saves patients their income, or provides them more of the medicine they need, by putting the same quantity to much more efficient use. "

Hope this helps

And again, it thrills me to know that folks are helping people with this information.... when even a single patient is feeling better, and more active, and 'alive' again, it adds to the quality of my own life. It's what I'm here to do. Ten years ago I thought A.) our movement and community could -never- have come this far, in such a short amount of time, and B.) that I simply wouldn't live to see the day.

The same information here, very probably saved my life, and at the very least it's saved my quality of life. I truly believe that. I'm alive and, shaky finances aside, I'm living more comfortably than I ever thought my health would allow.

So to hear that some of you are putting yourselves out there, and you're contributing on a mass scale as well, and to hear of all the good you're doing... It gets me a little emotional :)


Active Member
Hmmm, that was WAY longer than I meant it to be. I'm waxing sentimental here, too (and that's more than a little Jozikins fault, I think :D ) Thank you for all the kind replies, and your questions.. I promise that when I have more time, I'll come back and reply individually. I'm not trying to leave anyone out. :)


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, that was WAY longer than I meant it to be. I'm waxing sentimental here, too (and that's more than a little Jozikins fault, I think :D ) Thank you for all the kind replies, and your questions.. I promise that when I have more time, I'll come back and reply individually. I'm not trying to leave anyone out. :)
Believe me, I got a little emotional typing the thank you's out. I had a lot of VERY THANKFUL faces come to mind. In the dispensary I work with primarily, we have several patients who have almost completely stopped purchasing cannabis for smoking, and only purchasing our canna caps, and always getting a extra canna bomb or two to go with it. I absolutely have to get into their kitchen and help make more of your products!!

I'm excited to see you posting today, I just tracked you down in the grass forums to find more recipes and incredible advise. I don't consider myself uneducated, and I do consider myself a well informed and excellent grower, many other do to, but you blow my mind, consistently. I figured out how to view photos you have posted, but not posts, lol, but those peanut butter fudge bites get me all sorts of hungry!

As far as the financial and living situation goes, I can't sympathize with you any more than I am! On the 17th the bank is taking away my 3 story paradise! I've tried everything to keep it, but after enough shitty room mates and bad weather, it all became to much and I had to give it back to the bank. I only wish me and my grow partner could have expanded together and we could have kept the house. But it is what it is. I am now in a temporary quarters with very cramped grow space and I have tents popping up everywhere.

On another encouraging not however, I want to build your confidence. I attended an event and watched Ed Rosenthal give a large public discussion on cannabis cultivation, and I didn't even learn a 1/3 of what I learn from your cooking recipes. Your recipes go into depths that help me understand the cannabis plant like I never have before! I don't know why you haven't started working on a grow bible or a cook book, it would easily be published, and I would not stop advertising it until every last grower I know owned a copy for themselves, and one to give out to a friend. You are plenty well educated on the subject of cannabis, and pretty good at captivating attention in your writing, I think publishing is really your next step, if you are willing to take on all the attention that will be involved.

Did you know that you inspired me to call up the state and have my kitchen certified? I think I am going to start pumping out edibles for dispensaries, all the titles of the edibles will begin with "BadKittySmiles Presents:" for example, "BadKittySmiles Presents: CannaBombs" and then all the nutritional information below.

BadKitty, I don't care how much of a kiss-ass I am, I fucking adore you!


Well-Known Member
Glad to see you're back BadKitty, I'd still dearly love to see your alcohol preparation techniques even though I rarely if ever drink. Great stuff, I've sent the link for this thread to about a half dozen people that I work with. You're helping people everywhere. Keep up the good work.


hello - first time working with any of this stuff here - and well I feel like I've read everything there is to read, but without having done it myself yet and with so much opposing information I'd love some help and extra answers. I have no problem ordering what I need if I don't have it already, but really the most important thing to me is that I don't waste the precious material I have on hand. The (awesome) buds (best I've ever had in my life!!!) got moldy on me (sob!!) and had to be dumped - so all I have left is the sugary trims that I had kept in the freezer right after harvest. I am not sure how much it is, but compacted, wet, would fill half a zipper quart sandwich bag, I'd guess. So... from what I understand...

My first step is to dry it. So I just laid it out on a cookie sheet with a fan blowing on it in the dark basement, to protect it from light. I'll turn it at least a few times a day to try and (omgforbid because I will die if this is lost too!!) prevent mold. Hopefully in 24-48 hours it will be very dried out and I'll be ready to decarb it -

Step 2 - I'll put it in a ziplock bag and crunch it up to break it up as much as possible and then I'll lay it out in an oven bag on a cookie sheet in the oven with a thermometer to decarb it, as laid out in your cooking directions (which are so amazing... I have read and reread - but cooking is not a strong point of mine, and I'm new to growing and having these things to think about, so thank you, a million times - I... I love you!). At this point I don't really understand how to collect any hash... I did not read that part anywhere... so without that knowledge... it will just all go into the butter and hope I'm not wasting it for not knowing better. An insight here of should I or not and how if I should would be helpful to me! So after it's decarbed,

Step 3 - I'm planning on putting the herbs (1 dried oz per stick) into (already melted) butter in mason jars, then sealing and floating the jars in my crock pot (already hot) and putting it at high for two hours, then on low for two hours, keeping sight of the temperature so it doesn't get too hot on me. I read this mason jar tip late last night and it seems to be an awesome idea to prevent my house from getting all stinky, and I like that the jars will be sealed because my crock pot lid isn't all that tight. I have to be careful, first, and foremost. Even just the drying sugar leaves is too stinky and dangerous, for me, though I'm sure I have a strong element of paranoia, my hubby is worse than me. I wish I could just put them into the butter wet. Can't I or would I again be losing some major potency? Should I put a thermometer right in the sealed butter jar, or just in the crock pot? Another question I had here - was I actually thought I'd do the citrus and lecithin powder, but is this then really only used in alcoholic beverages? I am on medication that prevents me from drinking alcohol, or very much anyways. I didn't know that answer so didn't want to end up with something that would make me sick in the end. If I do the mason jar in the crock pot with butter - can I still add lecithin? I definitely see the importance and value of it, but don't know when I should add it in this process?

Step 4 - I'll let it cool a bit so I can at least handle it without burning myself - then I'll strain the butter through three layers of cheesecloth, squeezing out as much liquid as possible from the material into a clean glass jar, then I'll put that glass jar into the fridge to solidify.

Step 5 - After it's solid, I'll take it back out, measure it into 1/2 c. portions and freeze the portions, and try not to eat too much the first time I try it. Should I beat it at this point to mix it up nice and fluffy or doesn't it matter?

so that's my plan... any advice, answers, help... I thank you a million times!

Edit - so it dried for 48 hours and then I put it in a ziplock in the freezer so that I can crunch it up when I am ready to decarb it, which I plan on doing today. Since it will be in an oven bag, I'm assuming it won't let off a lot of smell... right? I weighed it and it is right around one ounce dried all sugary leaves. That is enough for one stick or one pound? Then I will be ready to attempt to make the butter I guess. I haven't gotten any answers to any of my newbie questions, I would so appreciate someone's input! Even if it's just "yeah that should work" or "no - don't do it!".


Active Member
Man that's some heavy shit there Badkittysmiles
I'm going to have to read that several times before all that can sink in
what great info.. thanks


Moderatrix of Journals
sorry to hear about your problems, but happy happy you've overcome them enough to give us a visit!

you've inspired me (along with your great recipes) to start doing some homework on other fats/aminos to use in extractions.... cocoa butter and stearic acid have piqued my curiosity. i actually have some raw food-grade cocoa butter in my pantry right now. (i'm scared of it, it's like white gold, i want to be 100% sure of my step-by-step process before i start messing with it ;))

while i'm at it, i have a question of my own: if i make a citric extraction using dry shake, is there a point at which i would take out the plant matter (somehow)?

i am also unable to count how many people i've shot the link for this thread to at this point, i really think you need to publish (if you haven't already).


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about your problems, but happy happy you've overcome them enough to give us a visit!

you've inspired me (along with your great recipes) to start doing some homework on other fats/aminos to use in extractions.... cocoa butter and stearic acid have piqued my curiosity. i actually have some raw food-grade cocoa butter in my pantry right now. (i'm scared of it, it's like white gold, i want to be 100% sure of my step-by-step process before i start messing with it ;))

while i'm at it, i have a question of my own: if i make a citric extraction using dry shake, is there a point at which i would take out the plant matter (somehow)?

i am also unable to count how many people i've shot the link for this thread to at this point, i really think you need to publish (if you haven't already).
I'll second the call for publishing. This stuff is brilliant.

Bad Beat

I cant see any of the pics from half way through the second recipe(peanut butter bombs), just at the point where you start to minimize the explanations and rely on the visual aids... But there are none....wierd! Awesome thread tho. I'm using leaf and tips, no kiff or bud or hash...a PM with a decarb and butter/oil method for this low grade cabbage would be awesome, I don't understand how you managed to squeeze 98 grams into just over half a cup of butter or oil-with the method suggested in the caps recipe, cuz 14 grams of leaf won't cut it but u reckon you used 98 of reasonable chop?? Well if so I'll have to do that just to get it up at normal potency, please explain. Or give me another way maybe? Cheers Aussie Aussie Aussie...Oi Oi Oi!


Active Member
Great work here and superb presentation! I wish this were a sticky as well. Your hash butter pill recipe is the best I've found!

* Well I made a request thread on making this one a sticky. Even if it's not "updated" in my opinion the very first recipe deserves a sticky and should be something everyone who makes edibles should be aware of. --> Thread

It'd be nice if those people that have learned something from this thread to second the request :). At any rate I'll try and bump this thread to try and keep in near the front so it's readily available.

Thanks again for the great thread BKS!


Active Member
I am so glad I came across this thread! The rest of this year will be very interesting for me... :-)