bag seed

Its left out side da
Depends on strain, lighting. You can start putting it in the dark for 12 hours every 24 and it should indicate within 10 days. Then put it back outside to grow if it's female.
Its outside day and night so far as i live in the uk its summer at the min so its longer days....does it need to be pitch black ???


Well-Known Member
Most bag seed are fems generally as herms are more common than males.

Whats are latitjde and daylength for near the end of june start of august, at a guess thats our natural outdoor start of flower i thing poss somewhere larer in august maybe idk that well...?



Well-Known Member
im a smoker not a grower lol
The second you post pics here your a grower not just a smoker, welcome to the club, few good Uk and USA growers here and a few from more stranger countries.

Next you need a tent and somthing around 250-400watts of light then get over to Herbies seed bank for seeds for your next grow :-)
The second you post pics here your a grower not just a smoker, welcome to the club, few good Uk and USA growers here and a few from more stranger countries.

Next you need a tent and somthing around 250-400watts of light then get over to Herbies seed bank for seeds for your next grow :-)
Can I get them in the UK tho???