That's if I'm lucky enough to have a legit female come out of it. Out of 2 seeds, I'll have to keep my fingers crossed. I agree completely though, it's all about how good you grow them and how fine tuned everything is.the quality of the bud weighs heavily on how good u grow em.
I'm so jealou'n right now.1st pic at 4 weeks.
she finishes in about 9
25 clones in pic2
im vaping her right now![]()
I'm so jealou'n right now.Thanks for the pics!
wordget your ass in gear and plant them.
Get some banana peels and put them in a zip lock with the seed. Switch out the peels as they go completely black and do it for 7-14 days (I do 10) days. Open the bag daily to exchange air or the moisture could either mold or the seed could gerrminate. As the peels rot they emit ethylene which feminizes the seed(s). others claim only a 50% greater chance of females but I've realized 100% females .
If you wanna experiment with ethylene get "Florel" brand growth regulator. It has ethephon which plants convert to ethylene. Products like STS, SuperBud, Reverse, Phosphoload and a few others are ethylene based (they're just 5-15X the cost at 1/3 the concentration). I've also noticed that over the last few years that many companies now have ethlyene derivatives in thier flower fertilizers and bloom boosters, the most common being EDTA.
Not claiming any correlation between herb & buckwheat, but the data points gave me an idea of what impact ethylene might have on my plants. All you inforfmation junkies might find the graphs are interesting. Ethephon on Flower Thinning and Yield Improvement in Buckwheat the rest of you can just read the synopsis below, enjoy!
Ethylene effect on yield and its factors
The result showed that (Table 4) 100-40OmglL Ethephon could improve the yield. Within them, 400mg/L Ethephon increased the yield by 47.9%; it's the optimal concentration. Whereas 500 and 600mg/L Ethephon have the yield decreased. With the increasing of concentration, 100-kernel weight was higher, but the No. mature seed per plant was decreased.
Effect on content of soluble sugar
The result showed, the content of soluble sugar in No.3 leaf of caulis was reduced than control. With 400mgIL Ethephon the content of soluble sugar was the lowest.
400mg/L Ethephon can hasten the transportation of photosynthetic products from leaf to kernel effectively. If the condition permits, buckwheat flowers can blossom continually but only small part of them can develop normal flower, which lead to the low percentage of buckwheat full grain. Ethephon can increase the abortive percentage, so more photosynthetic products can be transported to kernel. The result showed that spraying Ethephon, the plant was stronger and the 100-kernel weight was higher than control. Ethephon can influencet the physiology. Chlorophyll is the photosynthetic organ and the chlorophyll content indicates the ability of photosynthesis. Which is instantly relative to yield. In this experiment, Ethephon can delay the decreasing of chlorophyll content so the photosynthetic products can be accumulated. More, Ethephon improve the SOD activity to prolong leaves function. At the same time, it hasten the transportation of soluble sugar from leaf to kernel.
Get some banana peels and put them in a zip lock with the seed. Switch out the peels as they go completely black and do it for 7-14 days (I do 10) days. Open the bag daily to exchange air or the moisture could either mold or the seed could gerrminate. As the peels rot they emit ethylene which feminizes the seed(s). others claim only a 50% greater chance of females but I've realized 100% females .
sounds like overkill to me. I don't believe you can effect the sex of a cannabis plant with your germ technique. as far as planting new seeds is concerned, check out the thread in my sig.
just plant them. it takes 2-4 days to sprout. not 2 weeks of possibly ruining your seed by making it moldy while it hangs out with banana peels.
One strain at a timeget your ass in gear and plant them.
you can make an environment that will almost give you 70-100% fems as its worked for me but i am still not convinced.Hi,
Get some banana peels and put them in a zip lock with the seed. Switch out the peels as they go completely black and do it for 7-14 days (I do 10) days. Open the bag daily to exchange air or the moisture could either mold or the seed could gerrminate. As the peels rot they emit ethylene which feminizes the seed(s). others claim only a 50% greater chance of females but I've realized 100% females .
sounds like overkill to me. I don't believe you can effect the sex of a cannabis plant with your germ technique. as far as planting new seeds is concerned, check out the thread in my sig.
just plant them. it takes 2-4 days to sprout. not 2 weeks of possibly ruining your seed by making it moldy while it hangs out with banana peels.
but it seems to work for me.
i have totally heard that before, but i just don't buy it. i thought cannabis on average would run about 70-30 anyway. I know that my environment is good in the way that is supposed to support female new starts, and i do have good luck on my male to female ratio, but i am not convinced that the two go hand in hand. or that i am necessarily responsible for that success. there is just no way to know wether or not the plant would have been a different sex if it was planted in a different can make an environment that will almost give you 70-100% fems as its worked for me but i am still not convinced.
but it seems to work for me.
there is a good chance i'm just ignorant. either way im bloody stoned![]()
i have totally heard that before, but i just don't buy it. i thought cannabis on average would run about 70-30 anyway. I know that my environment is good in the way that is supposed to support female new starts, and i do have good luck on my male to female ratio, but i am not convinced that the two go hand in hand. or that i am necessarily responsible for that success. there is just no way to know wether or not the plant would have been a different sex if it was planted in a different environment.
there is a good chance i'm just ignorant. either way im bloody stoned![]()
you may be 100% right but i get an 85% fem rate from regular seeds the way i do.
maybe luck but i am sticking to it.
Hey Ludy Looyou may be 100% right but i get an 85% fem rate from regular seeds the way i do.
maybe luck but i am sticking to it.
Yeah I get around 75%ish or better females, my stats thus far are with bag seeds I couldn't tell you shit about.
Some will, some healthy looking seeds won't germ either.Believe it or not Ive had seeds that were white and imature looking and grow like a MOFO! so dont toss it just because its white and small.
Not like you lose alot of money trying, if it were worth it I'd try all the same.