"Bag Seeds"? Okay what are they?


Well-Known Member
So I will admit that all this new verbage and shortned names from their original meanings, because of my age and the shortned words from the generations using the phones and text talk has got me stumped a bit. Maybe even not that at all!
But so here is the thing, I have grown the herb In years past! Done the clone way, and even from seed that you got in your bag of weed from your buddy down the street.
But Since the legalization of this wonderful plant in so many states, I am now just beginning to get back into growing this for myself again.
And I am having some mixed results with my effort.
So back in April, I started 5 lemongrass feminized seeds from Humboldt seed company. All popped, and under a seed starting florescent 2ft unit got them about 6 inches tall and transplanted them outside in 11 gallon pots, but my grow area, was not a good choice, and they didn't get all the sun the day provided accordingly to the calculator had had on hand, and as a result they started to flower early and it was only June.
Certainly not ideal nor what I wanted, as I wanted the entire season to grow some beautiful girls for my wife, for her medicine she needs.
So to wrap up this story, I decided to get another 5pack of "Duct tape" Autos. She really liked that strain! And having a bad time with these of the 5 seeds, got 2 to germ, and am now having a tough time getting them to grow up to a decent size to start the training they need in the tent.

So I started 3 seeds to beging with, the paper towel method. All 3 popped, transplanted into soil in some small 3 inch pots. Only one sprouted of those 3.
It's now 3 weeks old in 2 days. And rather sickly!
I just germed the last 2 seeds, planted in soil like the first, and again only one sprouted.
Really don't think I got some good genetics in this set of seeds.
I guess This thread might be getting into a rant more than a plea for help!
But here is the question.
What is "Bag seed?"
Bagseed are seeds you find in bags of weed you buy. Ideally. It’s as simple as that. Seeds that fall out of your nugs. Generally means the plant was stressed to show both sexes.
Bagseed are seeds you find in bags of weed you buy. Ideally. It’s as simple as that. Seeds that fall out of your nugs. Generally means the plant was stressed to show both sexes.
And was actually starting to think you could get a bargain bag of seeds from the seed banks. But I couldn't find any such thing. Thank you for the reply here.
some of my best plants come from bagseed so it's always worth popping them you never know how they may turn out
Yes, true!!!
I remember back in the 80s, I got a hold of some Afgani seeds, and planted them. Probaly some of the best weed I have ever grown. Sure do wish I could get some of them again......