Baghdad Barack


Illegal Smile

Remember Baghdad Bob? Saddam's media guy who stood there saying rumrs were false, there were no Americans near the city. Meanwhile you can see US tanks rolling down the street in the background. A real comic relief moment.

Now we have Baghdad Barack, posturing as if he had the upper hand, while in the background we can plainly see a procession of failed legislation, persistent recession, democrats deserting the sinking ship and global warming embarrassments. Look, another tank! This time a CNN poll showing 52% say Obama does not deserve a second term.


New Member
Here's the key to success.....

Vote against every piece of legislation with the war in Iraq when ur a senator ... and then claim credit for a successful war when you become President.

Success for having a one term Presidency that is....


Well-Known Member
Here's the key to success.....

Vote against every piece of legislation with the war in Iraq when ur a senator ... and then claim credit for a successful war when you become President.

Success for having a one term Presidency that is....
What was the Bush Administration doing to "win" the war in Iraq? They never laid out clear goalposts and just kept saying "we have to stay till we win and all the terrahist r dead".

Towards the end of the Bush years they realized that it was much easier to just pay people not to fight. This lead to the position we are in today, much less violence and a slow pullout.


New Member
Remember Baghdad Bob? Saddam's media guy who stood there saying rumrs were false, there were no Americans near the city. Meanwhile you can see US tanks rolling down the street in the background. A real comic relief moment.

Now we have Baghdad Barack, posturing as if he had the upper hand, while in the background we can plainly see a procession of failed legislation, persistent recession, democrats deserting the sinking ship and global warming embarrassments. Look, another tank! This time a CNN poll showing 52% say Obama does not deserve a second term.
"This time a CNN poll showing 52% say Obama does not deserve a second term." :cry:

I have not read this poll. If true it only means that the Demies and Obama need to do a better job proving what the republicans are: Lying, racist, obstructionist, traitorist, deceitful jerks.

And as always. . .

May the light of the devine shine brightly upon you. :peace:


New Member
What do you base this on, give me real world examples. Also ask yourself why it is working in Iraq right now.
I base it on BASIC military strategy.

If you telegraph ur intentions or that a threshold exists where a pull out is triggered..... you endanger your troops.

You never make time tables PUBLIC..... if you are serious about victory.


New Member
That's a ridiculous thing to say. An exit strategy is needed only if you aren't there to win.

Think Eisenhower had an EXIT strategy for WW2? yah....when the enemy surrendered.

Bush isn't a LOSER...... hence no exit strategy. Exit strategies telegraph WEAKNESS.


Well-Known Member
bushy didn't care when the war ended. and cheney wanted the war to continue in perpetuity. that's how his buddies were making fortunes. bush wasn't a strategist. he was a reactionary. bush had no plan, public or secret, as evidenced by the fact that he thought he had won the war after baghdad was controlled in March of '03. the idiot flew onto an aircraft carrier dressed like a friggin warior and anounced "missiion accomplished". you think he had a plan? he didn't even know there was a war.


Illegal Smile

Sorry but "baghdad bob" was not real specific, actually I thought you might have been talking about Tariq Aziz.
My post was directed at those who were adult and awake at the time. They all know who Baghdad Bob was, although none of us knew or cared what his real name was.


That's a ridiculous thing to say. An exit strategy is needed only if you aren't there to win.

Think Eisenhower had an EXIT strategy for WW2? yah....when the enemy surrendered.

Bush isn't a LOSER...... hence no exit strategy. Exit strategies telegraph WEAKNESS.

Mission Accomplished in 03 Cracker.

Try again.


New Member
I love that quote because it is repeated so often and out of context....

Bush was strictly talking about defeating the Iranian Army and toppling the Hussein govt. ... and at that point...Bush was 100% CORRECT. Mission accomplished. he didn't say the war was won.... now did he? No, he said.... the BIG objective....taking down the govt and it's heavily armed military was accomplished.

Yes George.... mission accomplished. Thank you very much too.

Bush gave us VICTORY. That is all we can ask of a Commander in Chief. When the times got tough, Bush forged ahead. When others ran for cover.... hillary, kerry, obama.... Bush persevered.

That's leadership....


Well-Known Member
so he KNEW the war would continue, yet he staged a victory celebration on an aircraft carrier with a mission accomplished banner for the entire world to see. i'd love to hear your source for the inside knowledge you claim to have regarding his intentions. you know, the source that claims bush was only claiming victory over the iranian army, knowing that he had a much more difficult task of defeating the insurgency. yes, i'd love to see your source. give me a break.


New Member
He staged a victory celebration for the military operation....which did achieve the victory.

I know it seems strange for someone like you to bolster your military during a war, but that's how it's done....when you seek victory.


I love that quote because it is repeated so often and out of context....

Bush was strictly talking about defeating the Iranian Army and toppling the Hussein govt. ... and at that point...Bush was 100% CORRECT. Mission accomplished. he didn't say the war was won.... now did he? No, he said.... the BIG objective....taking down the govt and it's heavily armed military was accomplished.

Yes George.... mission accomplished. Thank you very much too.

Bush gave us VICTORY. That is all we can ask of a Commander in Chief. When the times got tough, Bush forged ahead. When others ran for cover.... hillary, kerry, obama.... Bush persevered.

That's leadership....
Dude, you're simply deluding yourself if you believe that.

You just can't take the reality of the situation. Bush claimed victory for the war. He thought with Sadaam out of power the war was over. There's no way you could possibly spin that to make it seem like he knew what he was doing/saying when he didn't. Do you need me to get get the fuckin' speech where the man himself claimed victory for the entire conflict? It's on youtube, all it would take is a few minutes of searching.

You're the kind of person who would follow Hitler to "victory".

See, when LEADERS realize they might have fucked up, they admit it and correct the situation, they don't go full bore, head on into it. That was Bush's biggest mistake in my opinion. He never acknowledged his utter defeat in the middle east and instead put everything off onto the next president because he couldn't get the job done. All the polls and every single analyst agrees with that assessment.

Take your propaganda elsewhere, nobody buys the bullshit.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean that's how it's done. give me another example of a commander in chief staging a victory celebration at the beginning of a war. just one.