Bagseed Closet Grow Journal w/ Flouro's & Pictures.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the more Co2 you have in the grow space the batter and no there not flameble Co2 is a non flamable gas but is bad for you in large amonts:peace:


Active Member
I just swapped out my 60 watts of tubes for 160 watts of CFL's. 4 40watts but it got way too hot. i then switched that over to 80 w of CLF and i hope it will be good tomorrow morning.


Active Member
im back on 60w plant spectrum tubes. i can't really do any better. Im fine with this amount of light i suppose.


Active Member
i just went away for a day and the leafs are looking a lot less lively. hopefully they'll regain their fullness after a few more hours with water?


Well-Known Member
sorry I didnt get back to you in time,

fully established secondary growth IMO is when the secondary growth (growth between the nodes and fan leaves) is at least as long as the fan leaves. That way you wont be blocking any light to those branches. This is desired bcuz thats where the Colas and buds are gonna come from.

Overwatering is when the plants cant recieve any oxygen to the roots, and they begin to look droopy and sad. It can also happen when the plants roots suck up too much water and the stems and branches become too soft and flimsy. The plant will literally bend itself over at the stem (sorta like LST but without any strings or anything.) but in a few hours or days when the soil dries out it usually perks back up.

To prevent it I usually water my plants until the pot feels heavier than before I watered it. You could water until you see "run-off water" come from the drainage holes on the bottom of the pot, but I like to play it safe.
Its easier to remedy 'underwatering' than 'overwatering'.

The temps shouldnt exceed 95*F. Most plants can tolerate 90*F, but you MUST supply co2 or else the plants will become sick looking and probably will be stunted until you fix that. You do have a thermometer right?

Make sure U have a fan blowing around the grow room to circulate the co2, and to cool off the bulbs.

Keep the CFL's no closer that 4"-6" and no further than 10".

Right now Im using the sugar-water-yeast combination to make co2 and its lasted 31 days so far.

good luck and hopefully this helps


Well-Known Member
I know those 15w fluro's.
I have used them for clones, veg, and side lighting for flower.

You will want to focus a few 42w cfl's around the fems when you know the sex.
The cfl's will make a big difference compared to the 15w tubes.


Well-Known Member
You Could Probaly Go With A Bigger Pot It If You Have One Only Water It Every Couple Days If Need Be. Take Your Pinky And Dig Down An Inche Or So Around The Edge And If The Soil Turns Dark Your Fine If The Soil Stays The Same Color And Feels Dry Then It May Need Water Get A Cheap Moistur Meter For Less Than 10 Buck Canadian At Wal-mart Home.


Well-Known Member
looks like u just watered them, let it dry out for a couple days and the leaves should be pretty perky.

its not flowering just yet, thats just new growth.

remember females usually show within 1-3 weeks if its totally dark.


Active Member
i know that i have a very small pot, but if i make it any bigger i wont have any vertical room and im scared ill burn up the leafs/ newly developing buds. However, with me leaving my house for extended periods of time, the small pot (which needs to be watered at least once every day or else the leafs become incredibly droopy) just doesnt seem like its gonna work.


Active Member
also, if you were to say "2 weeks into flowering" would that be referring to the day that the lights were turned or at the first sign of sex?


Active Member
It has been 40 days since i changed the lights to 12/12. THere are small buds starting to grow in a lot of places. Hopefully ill get an okay amount? its only about 18" Tall allnd i have a cage so it wont grow any taller.

THe pictures make it look a lot bigger than it is.

I dont have room for a bigger pot.



Active Member
the leafs are getting a bit too close to the lights and are developing yellow spots so i decided to lower the cage between the plant and the light. its made from a refridgerador rack that i cut to size of my grow box.