Bagseed grow attempt 2

Are boneless chicken wings just chicken nuggets?

  • No

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • I guess

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Of course

    Votes: 10 52.6%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Okay last year was a bust due to lack of experience and impatience. This year I'm going to go by the books and listen to the ladies. I put 19 seeds in a damp paper towel inside a ziplock baggie. I think I'm going to use this thread as a journal and if anyone wants to follow along or give helpful tips I sure would like that. This is going to be a guerilla grow if that adds anything to the story. Good luck fellow greenthumbs.
Okay last year was a bust due to lack of experience and impatience. This year I'm going to go by the books and listen to the ladies. I put 19 seeds in a damp paper towel inside a ziplock baggie. I think I'm going to use this thread as a journal and if anyone wants to follow along or give helpful tips I sure would like that. This is going to be a guerilla grow if that adds anything to the story. Good luck fellow greenthumbs.
The only thing that I could say is, prep the site ahead of time, before they sprout. Good soil is important. If possible add any compost or other amendments so you get strong healthy plants.

Choose your site well so you can get to it from several different ways. No tell tale signs of where it is.

Remember the 5 "P's". Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance. So plan. lol
The only thing that I could say is, prep the site ahead of time, before they sprout. Good soil is important. If possible add any compost or other amendments so you get strong healthy plants.

Choose your site well so you can get to it from several different ways. No tell tale signs of where it is.

Remember the 5 "P's". Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance. So plan. lol
Very good and informational tips. I already dug my 3' x3' x 3' holes, I need to bring up some chicken compost and perlite next visit. It's all on private property so no real worries about trails. Too many deer trails anyways. Thanks still for the words of wisdom, much appreciated.
an additional 2 sprouted. Waiting/hoping for more to follow. If not my buddy has some seeds he's throwing my way. Wish me luck.
Good luck with it all I think you’re probably going to have to go to your friend for some more seeds usually they would’ve popped by now if not I’d be hesitant about using those genetics either way happy growing brother
Give them 36 hours to pop. I've had a few late bloomers do me good in the past. Let us know how you make out amending and preparing the soil as well. Looking forward to the updates.
How do my babies look?
Babies are looking healthy and growing well. I obtained 6 more seeds from a friend and started germinating 3. Hopefully I can get some more started so I can have a good variety of ladies 8-) if you're readin' this thanks for stopping by!
Update- my other seeds never sprouted...oh well. I bought some espoma organic potting mix and transplanted the biggest one. Also bought a 32W CFL 6400k so that should help out a good bit. I'm new to all this but I hope all the reading pays off. This weekend I'm going to go and dig out my plots, doing 3^3 and going to to do 1/3 black Kow 1/3 perlite, and 1/3 of topsoil/native soil with a dash of bone meal greatfully donated by my pal. Then when it's warm enough I'm going to plant them, and take clones. Thanks for staying tuned or dropping by.
I'm trying not to post too many updates but my biggest baby is turning 2 weeks old and I think she's growing pretty well. I hope she can be a monster after she goes outside in late April
8-)time to get a bowl pack. Thanks for stopping by.
Would have been bigger by now if it was started in a smaller pot (unless it is an auto)
Would have been bigger by now if it was started in a smaller pot (unless it is an auto)
From the last photo is what it was started in, I transplanted because I could see roots in the drip tray. How much bigger should she be?