Bagseed Grow - Test Run

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Well the lady is coming along nicely. So is Scary Bitch Sativa but so far... not a single flower. NOT ONE. Talk about playing, "Hard-To-Get." Oh well, she'll/he'll flower in his/her own time. :: sigh ::

O.k., now to the pics.

The flowers are coming along nicely and starting to grow together between nodes.


You can barely see the trichomes on some of these pics.


Sorry for the artsy-fartsy look to the pics. I can't help it. They're so beautiful. I want to do them justice.


A pic showing the flowers coming together.


Run! It's a budplosion!! :p


Here is SBS doing what she does best. World Domination.


I am starting to have a serious problem with her size. I'm at a loss right now as to what I should do with him/her/it/help me God it's gonna eat me. If it turns out male, I will wreak havoc on him. I will rain down the plagues of Egypt and curse so badly Sailors will plug their ears in horror. Yes, I will be that angry.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Gave 1.5 liters each of water. They looked thirsty. Will do a full watering and nuting on Wednesday. Flowers are getting bigger and bigger. The SBS is still producing leaf sets. No sexing. Argh.

Note to self: Plan flushing for Saturday (time to get rid of the salt build-up). That should be a hoot.


First: AweSome! This is one of the best grow journals I've read. Thanks for keeping us in on the nute info/sched so we noobs (speaking solely for myself and my crew) can duplicate it. I don't think I'll be a noob for very long, though, with the info available here.

Wow, I wish I was that far along. Right now I feel like I'm watching paint dry. New little flowers are popping up every day but I want big fat buds NOW. :finger:
Instead of feeling like you're watching paint dry, just enjoy watching the grass grow. :)

And finally: All hail SBS. I almost got the Haze #1, it looked really nice. I hope that's what you got.
It has a listed flower time of 12-14 weeks.
From a review " Indoors: finishes in 11 weeks Outdoors: in the Northern hemisphere will finish in midOctober". Although I'm not sure when the reviewer planted his.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
First: AweSome! This is one of the best grow journals I've read. Thanks for keeping us in on the nute info/sched so we noobs (speaking solely for myself and my crew) can duplicate it. I don't think I'll be a noob for very long, though, with the info available here.

Instead of feeling like you're watching paint dry, just enjoy watching the grass grow. :)

And finally: All hail SBS. I almost got the Haze #1, it looked really nice. I hope that's what you got.
It has a listed flower time of 12-14 weeks.
From a review " Indoors: finishes in 11 weeks Outdoors: in the Northern hemisphere will finish in midOctober". Although I'm not sure when the reviewer planted his.
Awww.. shucks ::blush:: kick a rock. :oops:


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I found the camera drivers that are compatible with my computer so now I can do a direct link instead of jury rigging a connection for downloading pics. It was a pain in the ass. Now I can take dozens of pictures and download them in minutes. Ha.. haha.. Hahahahahah... muaahhahahahaahahah.. I love having power.

God help you all.



Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Nuted and watered today.

  • 1 Tbs. Tiger Bloom
  • 1 Tbs. Big Bloom
  • 1 Tbs. Molasses
  • ph 6.4 both pots
  • 3 liters water each pot
Indica Girl is showing early signs of nute lock out. Salt build up. I plan to flush on Saturday. It's not bad now but I don't want to stress her out too much. Scary Bitch Sativa is happily producing more and more leaves. She's giddy with power. Not so much as a wilted leaf on her. It had better turn out to be a girl after all the shit she has put me through.

Now I'm going to be worried until Saturday. :-(

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My life just got a hell of lot more complicated... in a good way. Sort of.


Scary Bitch Sativa just hit puberty... and she has PMS. I have no idea how I'm going to pull this off. She is trying to completely smother my Indica Girl. This means I have about 12 weeks of flower to look forward to with the evil SBS while fighting to save my other gal.
