Bagseed trichome Q: will they EVER appear in significant numbers?


Well-Known Member
Happy Sunday RIU Friends,

I have a few bagseed plants that have been in the flower closet under 12/12 HPS for 36 day. They have decent sized buds, but very few trichomes. My fruit punch and snowbud (planted from seeds from Herbie's) started to show trichomes/look frosty after 30 days. Will the bagseed plants catch up and produce more trichs?

Here are pics of one of the bagseed plants. About 50cm tall. I really need these babies to finish so I can rotate plants in the flower closet.

3-23 Lovey 2.jpg3-23 Lovey cola.jpg2-23 Lovey bud.jpg


Well-Known Member
Here are a few more details on the bagseed plants

Soil: Roots Organics 707
Nutes: General Organics Bloom, CalMag+ 1 x week
Water: Brita filtered every 3-4 days based on weight and touch test
Light: 400w HPS
Temp: 75F (dark), 80-83/F (light)


Active Member
Here are a few more details on the bagseed plants

Soil: Roots Organics 707
Nutes: General Organics Bloom, CalMag+ 1 x week
Water: Brita filtered every 3-4 days based on weight and touch test
Light: 400w HPS
Temp: 75F (dark), 80-83/F (light)
Its mostly genetics some will naturally have higher trichome production.

Your plants have a lot of yellow leaves. If you keep your leaves green, you'll have better results. Try mixing in a higher N nutrient instead of only using the GO Bloom. The high P & K are causing the yellowing.


Assuming they get equal light you'll probably find that the most resinous plants will mature faster, It's ok for that to happen since they are different strains.
I've had clones with better root systems than another do the same thing also. Just remember to take them down on time so they aren't sitting there over ripening while you wait for the other plants.

Keep an eye on those fan leaves, some yellowing is normal in late bloom. What happened to me before is I didn't realize the plant was stressed in late bloom and it just stalled out completely.

Looks great good luck.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Davey,

The yellowing of fan leaves is something I'm definitely learning to read. I posted a few pics about 3 weeks back and folks said it was normal. Now, I'm adding a biit more N to their weekly mix.



Active Member
The 3rd pic in the OP could be a twin sister of a Super Skunk auto I am growing. It has been about 40 days since she started to flower and I can't find a trich.


Active Member
What a difference a good water and feeding can make. Finally seeing some trichs with the naked eye at the top of some buds. Scope on the way.

Edit: I hadn't had a chance to look at them since Monday when I watered and fed. :)