it is true that bag seed originates from hermys or unculled males, but there are two types of hermys, genetic and environmental, genetic hermys will pass the hermy defect in its genes meaning that seedlings will have 1/2 chance of bieng hermy, environmental hermys still have normal genetics except that they have produced male flowers with female genetics, this is how feminised seeds are produced, so bagseed from unculled males has 1/2 chance of bieng female, genetic hermy has 1/2 chance of bieng the same plant used to grow the weed, and environmentla hermy has 100% chance of bieng a female plant of the exact same plant used to grow the weed, environmental hermys can be made by watering with a weak soloution of colloidial silver or silver thiosulfate, this is how they make feminised seeds, silver fucks up the copper ions within the enzymes that controll gender in weedbag seed is garbage... 99% of all bagseed came from a garden full of fems that were given a screwed up flowering period, causing them to hermaphrodite. All this causes is a bunch of hermy seedlings that have no potential of growing the top quality herbals. If you are new to growing, you wont know how to prevent self-breeding, and you're if for a waste of time. I you enjoy seedy herb, go ahead, but for the sensi, you should either try to acquire clones and then mother them out, or buy quality bred seeds ( - check out joey weed, he has many affordable medical quality seeds available)...good luck 2 ya
Shit dude for all you know you may have better genetics in that sack than all the "online places", I am willing to bet anyone with education, determination and dedication can create that superior medicine we all love. I have seen with my own eyes 400 watts of t-5's and random bagbeans produce phenomanol medicine.ok ive been using bagseeds, because i have thousands, and they seem to be doing ok. is this ok for an amateur or do you guys think i should invest in some good seeds? ill get some pics up here soon, i gotta get a digi. like the new avatar