Baked ramblins..


Well-Known Member

Dear Reader, I have been silent these past few weeks. Nary a substantial blog has left my fingertips as I have watched an unprecedented series of news events unfold on my various media outlets. I have stood in awe watching the comedy antics of Melanoma Man and his sexy sidekick Sarah "Alaskan Thunder Bush" Palin, unable to string a reasonable bloggy sentence together because of the sheer volume of material they have given me to work with. As I sit here, the markets are closed for the week and the sky has still not fallen so I'd like to break my silence and tickle your brain with my spin on things.

As Super Villains go, their powers truly aren't all that spectacular if you think about it. Palin's superpower, of course, lies within her glasses. When she winks, a cleverly coded subliminal signal is transmitted from the lenses that can temporarily disable the thought processes of certain vulnerable citizens. The strongest defense against her powers is to have an education higher than the 3rd grade. Fortunately most Americans do, so she'll be defeated once and for all come November.

Melanoma Man, he's a different kind of Villain with several unique abilities, the strongest of which is invisibility. This makes him uniquely suited to work with ATB. It takes years to fully develop this power and his mojo is finally strong enough that if you look closely, you can see that parts of him are quite translucent, allowing him to blend in the scenery as his more flashy sidekick soundly winks the lowest common denominator into submission. He also has mad skillz in the rabble rousing arts, able to whip the feeble-minded minions of Palin into a slogan-chanting frenzy with one raspy "My friends..." croaked out from between his dessicated lips.

Together, these two masterminds are quite formidable, but take heart, citizens of Gotham and the United States of America!! These foul fiends can be defeated Tuesday November 4, 2008!!
Arm yourself with knowledge, clothe yourself in righteous indignation at being thought so gullible, and show this dastardly duo once and for all that we Americans are smarter than our shoe sizes!!
