I'm a first timer on the indoor growing thing. I try a little of every thing to keep it cheap since I'm on a budget till my crop is harvested. then I can use the $ being spent at clubs to beef up my grow. the newest thing I've tryed is baking soda and vinegar . I wish that I had taken before and after pics. It seems that my plants have filled out more in the past 2 days .I'm useing it in my veg area. I made it from a water bottle filled with vin with very small hole in lid so it drips about 3 time a min. the water bottle is taped upside down in the top of a 64oz. juice bottle that I filled 1inch deep in bottom with bake soda. I melted holes around top section of juice botle with hot nail. set botttles in a cut milk jug in case of spills placed in veg area(2'x2'x2').Plants are darker green and look better .they look good befor but damn good now. it works and something to do with free time hope it helps new growers as much as it help my girls