Ballast Consumption


Well-Known Member
Tell us, what ballast are you using? did you need to use a converter to supply the light with 120v vs the standard European plug?

My money is on either your lamp is a 120v thus drawing half the amps through a 240v system and throwing off your meter, or your meter is bad, or lastly you bought yourself an uncommon 200w ballast, or perhaps your ballast is only working on half strength.

Time to open up those dusty electrician coursework books and find out where your messing things up.

A simple google search should be enough if you are having trouble finding your old books. Cant do it for ya, late for work.
Very clever. I didn't quite get it at first but yeah, I bet that is exactly the situation going on.


kk was a bit nervous, wasn't sure if it caused big jumps when it fired on and if it was starting the same time everyday if i should be concerned..... lol clearly not


Well-Known Member
They don't know the time that your power peaks unless you have a digital time of use meter. Which you likely do not unless you requested it.

For those living in urban areas, and pushing lots of watts, you can check with your power company, many have programs for high power users that will discount your power costs if your high power draw is "off peak" or essentially when others are not using power. most growers run their stuff at night so this is a good plan. Saved me about 40% overall.


Well-Known Member
erm yes it dose draw 198.9 w i am an electrician so i know what my power consumption is i have my electric monitor to see what my power draw is so don't call me a soddin lire not and i only use 3kw/hr per day it cots me £3 per week to run my light! and with my 3 fans and water pump its another £2 so ur calculations are WRONG an im from the uk so are electrics are different my kettle takes in 1.4kw/hr to boil water

Im no electrician and i live in the UK and even I know that 400w is 400w, and get this 600w is 600w. Funny that eh??

Your daily usage is 3kwh? Before I started growing I was using 13kwh a day. Now I use close to 28kwh.

Either your ballast is on 50% switch down or something in your place is messed up. Or you just don't grow lol.

Or has this topic sparked your enquisitive electrical engineers mind into thinking that all these guys are right and something is messed up in your place. That's why you haven't responded in 2 days.

Lol 400w draws 198w of power. I've never heard such shite in all my life.
