Ballast started smoking

Just set a few 5 gallon buckets of water on top of the tent. The tent catches fire, the fabric melts dumping the 5 gallon buckets on the situation. lol j/k
if i ever have to evacuate cause of a wildfire, i'm putting 4 of those on top of my gun safe before i take off.
Can you imagine our wives.
When I was a kid we had one of those big ass console TV's. Big ass Magnavox. One day I am upstairs playing in my bedroom and I smell an electrical fire. I run downstairs and my mom is sitting on the couch on the telephone and the TV still has sound but no picture and black smoke is pouring out of the back of the TV. I ran over and unplugged it real quick and my mom just sitting there says "somethings wrong with the TV." I think I was like 8 or 9 and I knew better than to leave it plugged in lol
When I was a kid we had one of those big ass console TV's. Big ass Magnavox. One day I am upstairs playing in my bedroom and I smell an electrical fire. I run downstairs and my mom is sitting on the couch on the telephone and the TV still has sound but no picture and black smoke is pouring out of the back of the TV. I ran over and unplugged it real quick and my mom just sitting there says "somethings wrong with the TV." I think I was like 8 or 9 and I knew better than to leave it plugged in lol
Kids have it so easy these days
Cheers for all the replies , help and knowledge guys, it's very muchly appreciated and thank you. Anything that will help prevent a nightmare situation and gives you abit of peace of mind is great, I still cannot believe what happened today and I don't like even thinking about it I've ditched the magnetic stuff and gone with digital now, I've also got them well away from anything flammable and on a metal tray so if this ever occurs again it will contain the fire and not spread. Myself and my son's bedroom's are upstairs in a two story home and my grow room is below, we would of been trapped , the windows are the thin type so we wouldn't of even been able to escape. I thank god I awoke the moment it started .
Yeah man consider yourself lucky!

Thats fucked up to think about.

I always thought only fires in grows are from overloading circuits or when bulbs explode and catch nearby combustibles on fire.

A few months ago I saw someone trying to sell a bunch of reflectors with smoke damage on them. Said they were taken from a house fire.
I very nearly got one of those exploding balls, but as pointed out they look a little inconsistent. Went with an auto ABC extinguisher which is mounted directly above my electrical equipment.

If it ever goes off (by accident or in case of a fire) the cleanup will be awful, but it's worth it for some extra piece of mind.

I will eventually change it out for a "clean agent" / halon type which floods the room with inert, non asphyxiating gas. They are a little pricey but worth it considering they are probably the most effective and least destructive type you can get.
Been in a room taking one down in a friends house & the nugget hadnt switched off his timer just unhung everything and placed in the corner.
Light came on & burnt a hole through a pot
We was out the room for 5/10 mins
Been in a room taking one down in a friends house & the nugget hadnt switched off his timer just unhung everything and placed in the corner.
Light came on & burnt a hole through a pot
We was out the room for 5/10 mins
lol, even the safest gear can be dangerous in the wrong hands
I've never had one but these have been on the market for many years, they cover a much bigger area.