Baller on a Budget setup


Well-Known Member
Try a 18/6 light schedule as well - that may help. Post any questions you may have & I'll try to get back to you later - gotta run - Take It Easy.


Well-Known Member
Ask the garden center at WalMart for epsom salt - don't use regular salt - that's bad. The garden center at WalMart should have what you need. I don't use co2, but I do talk to the plant which gives it a little co2.


Active Member
complete darkness isn't really necessary until the flowering stage. because of the low wattage of the lights i am using right now, i am keeping the lights on 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
I could get one but I wouldn't know how to make the proper adjustments after I tested. I think 2 of these plants are definitley stunted. So I am going to try adding some epsom salt. Is that pretty much regular salt? Can I get it at wallmart? Also do you use Co2?
Nooooooooo.................stop right now,dont add anything,infact stop everything your doing & only feed them plain room temp water,then drive as fast as you can to your local petsmart,wallmart or any other store that carries fish tank supplies & buy a ph test kit,try to get the kit where you add drops instead of the blotter strips.

When you get the ph test kit be sure to buy a big bottle of PH UP & a big bottle of PH DOWN,these will raise or lower the ph of your water to acceptable levels that the plants can be healthy with.

Fill up 5 or 10 gallons of water & test the ph of the water,5 gallon buckets work great,after getting a reading simply add either the ph up or down as indicated on the directions until you hit a reading of 6.2 to 6.8,once that is achieved let the water get room temp,now water the plants with twice the volume of water that your using for soil,example,if you have one gallon of soil give them 2 gallons of ph'ed water,add the water slowly,let it be absorbed into the soil & repeat until all the water is gone,obviously this will make a huge ass mess so take precautions for the run off water.

What your accomplishing by doing this is flushing out all the excess nutes in the soil & bringing the ph level of the soil to an acceptable level where the plants are happy,this will allow the plants to absorb nutrients again.

Right now your killing them with fertilizer thats why they are stunted,the roots are cooking from the excessive ferts & you most likely have ph induced nutrient lock out where they cant uptake proper nutrients.

After you flush the plants re examine how you are fertilizing them,giving them ferts every other day is a death sentance for such small plants,once the plants are healthy again you can fertilize them but only once a week & then you still must ph your water,be sure to add the ferts to the water berfore you adjust the ph levels.

Spend some time in the grow faq,it really does help if you read the things beforehand,fertilizing & ph are extremely important & easy to fuk up.


Active Member
Thank you Panhead. You really explained this well. Do I need to test the PH in the soil after I flush? Or will I be cool always giving it pre-ph'd water? Can you buy PH up and down at wallmart? I will keep you posted after I flush.