Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

Thanks bro. Preliminary smoke report is great. I cut a small nug off of a bottom branch and dehydrated it for 24hrs. at 105F. I know this isn't how you're supposed to dry and cure bud, but it is the best method I have found for next day tests before harvest, because I believe you should always test it before you cut it. But even dehydrated it has a very strong couchlock with an almost equally soaring head high. Taste and smell are a incredible strong musky floral bite to it even with no curing. I have to imagine this shit will be amazing with this final week of growth and proper drying and curing.
A harvest update on my outdoor Piss plant. I cut and trimmed it and made canna butter from the trim. I tried a new way of making it(unless someone already has, which im sure of). To start, I took my crock pot and filled it with about 10 cups of hot water. Then I placed in 6 sticks of butter and let them melt down for about 10min. Then I placed about 3 styrofaom plates full of trim into the pot. I took siscorrs and randomly chopped the trim so the mixer wouldnt get clogged. Then I took out a standard 2 paddle hand mixer and ran it through the mix thouroughly for about 10min. I left the crock pot on high for about 30 min and then came back and mixed again for about 20min. I repeated this process 2 more times, for a total of 4 and then drained through a strainer lined with cheese cloth into a large bowl. Let it sit out for about 3 hours to cool to room temp, and then placed in the fridge. After an overnight stay there, removed butter from the top of the bowl and pressed into a standard butter container. Tomorrow I will be using the butter to make rice crispy treats and brownies. I will let you know how they turn out. Anyways, here's the pics:

Ok. Quick update. I had tested the Foxfarm Organic lineup over the last week or so on a couple of my mothers. They seemed to have no problem with it or the mix strength. I am using Foxfarm Grow Big Hydro, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom at full strength then adding 1tbl per 5gal of Technafloras Thrive Alive(green) Organic, and 2tbl per 5gal of organic blackstrap molasses. At full strenth my ppm's are between 1050-1100. Does anyone know of a good organic Bloom booster and cal/mag? Also, how fast does other dwc growers ppm's drop 12 hrs after a res change. Mine went from 1050 to 810 in under 12 hrs. The Blue Kush is doing well, but not great. These spider mites have proven to be quite a pain in the ass. I started with 3:1 water:alcohol mix and then bumped it up to Einstien Oil(neem ol) and spray every 3 days. I also Keep the temps in the mid to low 70's with rh at 55% to try to control/exterminate them but it seems like they just keep getting worse. It has shown it's damage in the growth speed and vigor of these plants. The worst damaged girls are on average of 4-6 inches shorter than the rest. On a more positive side, they are still growing and fairly healthy and are even starting to frost up. Any help with the above questions is appreciated and I hope everyone is still enjoying this grow.


Ok. Now I started with 37 grams of molded buds. I mixed a few things together that I found and put together this solution. I started with the idea of blender hash demonstrated by the trailer park boys. The did their method dry.


I took the bud and placed it in my blender and then put it in the freezer for 30min.

After that, I added about a quart of ice and a quart of water and pulse blended for 10 min

I then poured it out into a big bowl. It was a little foamy.

I then skimmed off all of the floating plantmater with a spatula.

After most of the floating mater was seperated, I poured it through a fine mesh strainer. I then let it sit for about an hour. After it sat, I used a 30cc nutrient syringe to syphon water out of the bowl till it was almost all gone. Then I poured what was remaining onto a dinner plate and set it on my taoster oven for a couple of hours.

I let it sit out and dry over night. Then mashed into a ball, wraped in cling wrap, and stepped on it to press it. When all was said and done, I got 9.9 grams of some good smelling and smoking hash.
cool shit man! but i have a question how far away should i keep an HPS 70 watt lightbulb from the tops of my plant
cool shit man! but i have a question how far away should i keep an HPS 70 watt lightbulb from the tops of my plant
I'm assuming its not air cooled. So between 4-12 inches. If you keep a fan going with a good breeze on the top of your canopy, you can move it closer to the 4-6" range. But the real answer is as close as you can get it without burning your plants. Move it down a couple of inches a day, until it seems like it doesnt like it, then move it back up a couple. Keep in mind than marijuana can grow inches in a day, so if the light is real close, you might have to move it up every couple of days so you dont damage your girls. Hope this helps, any other questions feel free to ask.
Ok. I'll start with the grusome pics and then fill you in on all of the details.



As you can see my plants pretty much just up and died over nite. It is my best guess that adding the General Hydroponics new General Organgics Boi Root and Calmag to my Fox Farm Lineup caused some sort of chemical reaction. I always test new nutrients on unimportant plants, but thought it was unnessisary for adding calmag and a root booster. What a mistake. The day before yesterday, I did a res change. When I woke up yesterday the plants looked mostly fine, but a little saggy. Had a high ph, but this usually happens to me the next day after a res change. Went on about my business. Came back about 6 hours later, and it pretty much looked like it does in the pics. I paniced and tried to do the only thing I could think of. I mixed up a batch of ro and h202 and changed to that. Let it sit for about 2 hours, and then did another change to strait water to flush h202 out, since I grow in organic. Then mixed up a batch of new nutrients minus the Bio Root and Calmag. Let it sit over night, and took these pics when I got up. I dont think they're comming back from this. I have never seen plants look this bad.

If someone things they will recover, Speak up. Otherwise I am starting the hacking here in a little while.

But all is not lost. I have 2 clones that were sexing next to the other plants that just happened to both be female. ! is my mango and the other my Blue Mystic. I also Have a Mango clone ready to flower on the side that is almost 3 feet tall and would fill out most of my screen. Looking to get those in today, unless anyone thinks I should wait out the Kush plants another day or 2 and see if they recover.
Well, they have been officially chopped down. Working on cleaning the tub and moving my 2 Mango and 1 Blue Mystic in there. I will post a pic update when I finish. I'm trying to make the best of this unforeseen mishap. Hope this serves as a caution for anyone trying new nutrients. Always test them out before you introduce them to your main grow or the results can be catastrophic. Even if it is just small adatives. Back to the ole drawing board. I'm really dissappointed though, I wanted a nice pile of this kush, and now I'll have to wait.
Another full day of work. I cut down all of my Blue Kush Clones. Cleaned the room out and gave the tub a good scrub. I added a second t-valve to the opposite side of the tub so I could hook the pump I use to drain it up and circulate the nutrients so they dont settle. This actually makes a pretty sturdy current in the tub since it is a 350gph pump. I had my Blue Mystic and Mango clones sexing under a cfl. I lollied them a week ago. I also had a 3 foot Mango clone just vegging in my clone tub. I went back to My foxfarm mix without the Bio Root and Calmag and I'll leave it at that for the rest of the grow. I worke the tall Mango into the screen and am curious to see how big it gets since I have never flowered a plant this big in my grow room. Not to worried about the other 2 small ones since they only need 1 screen slot per plant. I have half of my new veg room built and will have a pic update of that soon in the next few days. I was hoping to finish it today, but with redoing the hole flower room, i just couldnt find the time. Here's the Pics....



I took some more pics with the lights off. It will be interesting the next few weeks to see how big the big one gets. To top it off I'm going out of town next week, so the person watching my room will actually have to do some screen training. I still am trying to figure out what the next batch will be. I'm thinking I might give the kush another go, just because I really like that herb. I've heard good things about mango, but have never smoked it. This will be my first fruit variety.

Shitttttttt....... THats a bummer. Whats next on the plate.
It is already started and the pics are right above. Seeing what I can do with one big plant under my light instead of the traditional 6. Giving it a try with mango since it is supposed to be a fairly high yielder.
Alright guys, I'm back. I must say my room did well while I was gone. Pistils are showing on the mango already. On the sexing clone it took 3 weeks, but with this plant, only a week and a half. I was impressed and assume its from the plant being more mature than the barely rooted clone. My traveling marijuana adventure worked like a charm. So lets lay out what I did and why...
To start, nobody wants to try to bring herb on a plane. It's never a good Idea. I did some looking around and it seemed like the best answer was to mail it. I went with the USPS becase their packages are protected by federal law and cannot be opened without a search warrant with the exception of the recipiant. When you sign ate UPS, FedEx, ect. that signiture says that can open your package for any reason at any time if they feel like it. Not saying you cant send things through them, but thats why I didnt. Next, I took what I thought I would need for 5 days worth of herb and ground it up in my grinder. I then used a simple pocket rolling machine and rooled 5 joints. I had no intention of smoking jays, but it was the backup plan incase I couldnt find a pipe down in sunny Florida. I then placed the jays in a siplock sandwich bag, and then into another bag until they were sealed in 4 bags, which seemed to stop the smell from seaping out. I then placed the bag in the middle of a Maxum Issuse I had laying around. Then cling wrapped the magazine pretty thourghly and maked it with a Sharpie so I wold know if it was tampered with during transit. Then I placed it in a USPS Express next day air document envelope and sent it the day before I left so that I knew exactly when it would arrive. On a side note, you should be prepared with a bougus return address because on next day air they make you put one on the package and if you dont or refuse to it may raise suspicion. I used the local bong shops address as kind of a joke in case they decided to try to track the oragins. I wouldnt recommend a "fake" address since they are the post office and if it isnt a real address, they might become suspicious. So with all of that out of the way, when I dropped it off, they said it would be there between 3-5pm the next day. I hopped on my plane and checked into the hotel upon arrival, but had gotten there at 12pm. I was a little nervous, but I go bact to check with the desk at 4pm, and they had a package waiting for me. Brought it back to the room and all of the contents arrived untouched and I was set with my herb supply for the week. This isnt a 100% gaurunteed method, but it seems like 9/10 time your stuff will show up without any problems. I hope this helps any other traveling smokers in the future. It certainly helped me.
Flowering: Day 12
Temps: 80F
PPM's: 1100
Res Temp: 78F
PH: 6.0

OK. The new plant is doing well. I have never personally seen a plant flower so fast. I have buds forming, not just a couple of pisltils since day 8 for 12/12. I credit the 1.5 month veg time for this since the clone I sexed of my mango took 3 weeks to show pistils. There is a slight nutrient burn showing on the tips of the leaves, but nothing I'm to concerned with. This was from switching the plant from a faily light ved ppm of 600 to a full strenght flower ppm of 1200. I expect it to fade off as the flowering continues. If it doesnt, I will lower the ppms closer to 1000. The spider mites are still making their presencre know and I will be sparying again today. Little bastards are hard to get rid of, but I have successfully removed them from my Piss clone and will be cutting clones to regrow my mothers today and save myself the headache of trying to treat full size plants. These new mite free clones will be moved to my new veg room. More pics of that later today. It is still not done since I am wating on a 400w MH to put in there for the mothers once they mature, but it is fully ready for them at this point. Once this Mango finishes I will be tearing down the whole flowering room and reconfiguring it for 2 of my screen setups with a bleach wipe down and bug bomb preceeding that. Not a huge pic update since there isnt to much to look at yet, but more as the situation changes.

yeah, live and learn. I'm just glad I had something laying around to put in there so I didnt have to start with cuttings and wait a month for them to be ready. Still cant believe how fast this mango flowered. Thanks for stopping by and I'm glad you are enjoying the show. The journey continues. We'll have to see where it takes me next.