Ban ATL Kush

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Well-Known Member
This guy keeps PM'ing me for seeds and he is harassing other members. It's just getting ridiculous!

Here's some of the PM's:
Private Message: help
07-02-2008, 12:10 PM
atl kush

Join Date: Jun 2008​
Posts: 9​

do you live in ga...i am 19..i was looking for some seeds so i want have to order any 4rm over seas
atl kush

"u fuck right i sent u that mafia family...look it up on youtube bitch"

Post Reply
07-01-2008 03:06 PMatl kush
can i buy some kush seed from you
06-30-2008 08:23 AMatl kush
do you have seeds 4 sale
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Well-Known Member
I am, i reported him about 5 times now... i keep pm'ing him back so i think i am fueling his fire but still dude started this shit.. If he wants to call me kkk/red neck/cracker, what ever i know what i am, i dont need to talk shit over the internet to prove it either...


Well-Known Member
Oh yea, if any mods what a run down of what he is saying in his PM's, you can contact me, I am pretty sure I have received the majority of them...


Well-Known Member
His latest and greatest threat is that he is paying his "boy" to trace my ip address, likes he's gonna come get me....

I wish he would pay me a visit, I love my permit to carry, and i would take self defense to the limit. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yea this fool messaged me twice saying I'm a cracker and fuck me and some black mafia bullshit. I replied, "Yea I am white bitch, deal with it wankster." Anyways, this is just some kid trying to act all hard on the internet, no real gang member would be saying that shit to everyone. Plus "Black Mafia Family" is dead, the last few years they've been raided a shit load of times.


Well-Known Member
This is a lesson on why kids shouldnt use the internet. And if you think Im talking about anyone specifically you really dont get it.

God, I had no idea who either of you were till you started pissing about on the forums 2 days ago, stop ruining the vibe.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
LOL---LOL-----LOL---------This guy is a "phone thug"---you know the type-----all big and bad over the phone----then when you meet em in person it's a skinny little migit:mrgreen: and their like--"uh-----uh-------uh!!!"------you know the type:hump:


Well-Known Member
Yea, He is pretty gay...... hopefully this will get taken care of so we don't have to deal with his random illiterate PM's anymore...


Well-Known Member
Black Mafia Family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It makes so much sense now, this kid thinks he part of the Black Mafia Family (oh yea, real fucking original name, couldn't think of anything the Italians haven't used? didn't think so) even though the ring leaders were arrested and convicted. This kid tells people to Youtube BMF.... what the fuck? why so we could listen to their shitty artist when they are finally trying to do legit business? Black Mafia Family was (key word was) a bunch of drug smugglers, whats so special, personally i believe people who take illegal drugs (crack) to that level for strictly profit are the worse scum of this earth.... so i am more offended that you called a BMF than a red neck or KKK.....go back to myspace and try and act hard little kid....


Well-Known Member
Wow...i'm not racist...but can they EVER come up with something original?....they always steal everyone else's ideas and call it there own, the REAL mafia should be PISSED about some one stealing there partial name.


Well-Known Member
Yea I'm Italian and i am pissed.... lol, fucking half ass gangs, come on put some thought into your name, don't just think hmm what color are we?(black) what was that bad ass gang from back in the day?(mafia) oh and what are we?(family)
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