Ban the term "Pot"


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to like the work cannabis as a common name especially since more ears are turning in favor of decriminalizing it. The green lady deserves either a respectful name or a loving name it's easier to say cannabis instead of marijuana.
And of course botanically correct - Cannabis is the latin name for the genus.


Active Member
We can knock around personal definitions all day, I have done it before too many times to count.

It can be called a remedy yes, but that is not what I was talking about. If you wish to call me (personally) ignorant, at least stay on the topic I was pointing out.

I was specifically talking about the people who use the healing properties of Marijuana as an excuse to "medicate" (nudge, nudge, snicker). I could go on and on what I think about the "medical movement", but this is not what this is about.

But lets stay on topic so you don't personally insult me for sharing my views.
I will gladly insult you, when you so boldly insulted EVERYONE who uses the term "medicate".

Total Head

Well-Known Member
any and all talk of word banning sets off my oppress-o-meter. whether it's words used to refer to women or black people or cannabis or whatever. changing vernacular of any kind ALWAYS comes at a price. let the word die on its own. education is your best weapon against the alleged ignorant.
If your life so meaningless that you have to actually think up things that don't matter and "fight" for them...I am sad for you.

You must find purpose or you will just invite negativity.

On that note, I call it Da Ma.
You miserable little troll.


Well-Known Member
I will gladly insult you, when you so boldly insulted EVERYONE who uses the term "medicate".
I didn't insult the people who use the term medicate.

I "insulted" the usage of the term medicate.

Having an opinion about "medicinal" users is like being an Atheist and having an opinion at church camp. Very tiring.

I gave my opinion on-topic about word usages. You and 2 others decided to go off-topic and make it personal. Yes, I am the ignorant one.

You miserable little troll.
Yes, I am the troll. I am the one who started this thread and asked for a word to be banned.


Well-Known Member
I'll call it whatever the fuck I want to call it.
A rose by any other name... etc., etc..
For those who cast aspersions at those of us who medicate: fuck you.
Whether it's cancer, ADHD, back pain, HIV, broken bones, depression, broken heart, whatever.
It does more than you'll ever know if you're just sitting around smoking to get high.


Well-Known Member
I'll call it whatever the fuck I want to call it.
A rose by any other name... etc., etc..
For those who cast aspersions at those of us who medicate: fuck you.
Whether it's cancer, ADHD, back pain, HIV, broken bones, depression, broken heart, whatever.
It does more than you'll ever know if you're just sitting around smoking to get high.
Jesus fuckin Christ people!

I was talking about the USAGE OF THE TERM "medicate" by a certain type of person I have had personal experience with that abuses the term. (how many times must I repeat myself?)

I know MANY medicinal users and am educated on the benefits of Marijuana. I know there are people that it helps and I know there are people who abuse the system (more often than not).

You know what? Fuck you for not respecting my opinion. I have not once got on any of you for having a different opinion than me on this subject.

I was on topic until some of you made it personal. How the fuck can I judge you personally when I have never met you? Why you take it so personally?

Must ring a bit of truth yes?

Fine, you win! I will change my answer so I will be accepted into your group.

love the term medicate! Lets all medicate and be friends and be healed of all our ailments!

I have seen the light, thank you all...


Well-Known Member
I didn't insult the people who use the term medicate.

I "insulted" the usage of the term medicate.

Having an opinion about "medicinal" users is like being an Atheist and having an opinion at church camp. Very tiring.

I gave my opinion on-topic about word usages. You and 2 others decided to go off-topic and make it personal. Yes, I am the ignorant one.

Yes, I am the troll. I am the one who started this thread and asked for a word to be banned.

Actually I think it was "YOU" who took off on the personal kick calling someone "Fucking Ignorant" for using the term Medicate or Med's!!
And that was respecting others opinions? The post was "Ban the term Pot, then what do you like to call it.....not what you hate hearing it called!!!


Well-Known Member
Actually I think it was "YOU" who took off on the personal kick calling someone "Fucking Ignorant" for using the term Medicate or Med's!!
Who did I call ignorant?

Give me names?

Specifically, give me names of the people in this community I called ignorant for using the term "medicate".

I'm waiting. :|


Well-Known Member
Guys, don't get mad at KuLong. He's just angry because he has to smoke terrible Asia bud, while most of us smoke great weed. Especially the group of us from California.

Back on topic: I've never called mj pot actually, but dope on the other hand... I think that's the funniest thing you can call budskies. My new word for bud though is: KuLong POW! I hope it catches on.


Well-Known Member
Guys, don't get mad at KuLong. He's just angry because he has to smoke terrible Asia bud, while most of us smoke great weed. Especially the group of us from California.
Yet another personal attack from my opinion. Welcome to the bandwagon!

To reply to your "intelligent" comment, you're right...the Iranian, Afghani, Tai and Hindu strains here are horrible.



Well-Known Member
They really are horrible. Or at least of my experience in Asia they were. What was nice was being able to get bud for extremely cheap. What was shitty is that the bud didn't get me high, regardless of the amount I smoked (gave up after two personal blunts). I stopped buying after my third time, but I dunno, if you could show me a pic of your KuLong POW! to prove me wrong feel free to.
PS, I wasn't attacking you, I just teasing you and trying to reflect on how silly the situation is.


Well-Known Member
Never said I was in your specific country. I just said that the bud I got while in Asia (Vietnam and China) was not good. It was super cheap at least, but not good. I did, however, like the double happy cigarettes or whatever cigarettes Ho Chi Min smoked, very classy. Have you ever been to California? Just wondering.


Well-Known Member
Never said I was in your specific country. I just said that the bud I got while in Asia (Vietnam and China) was not good. It was super cheap at least, but not good. I did, however, like the double happy cigarettes or whatever cigarettes Ho Chi Min smoked, very classy. Have you ever been to California? Just wondering.
Been to San Diego and San Fransisco a few times. However, I use frequent Orange County because all my schoolmates joined the US Marines and me and a buddy use to go hang out with them. I am not a fan of the street quality your side of the world offers.

Marijuana (especially in Vietnam) is very expensive and yes, very low quality if you do not have the proper connections. This is why I am part of a collective here.

Of course locals are going to sell you "dirt" for "dirt cheap". You thought otherwise?


Well-Known Member
Why are you guys debating the quality of street pot in different countries? Who gives a rats ass!!!! Good weed is EVERYWHERE! On every continent! Jesus get over it.