Ban white people

Eat healthy comes down to survival of the fittest. I broke a leg once never seen a doctor since I'm not going to be forced to pay for insurance when I don't need a doctor for shit. I actually had a bad infection from a spider bite last year got some penicillin from a friend cleared up in a couple days. My mom was a nurse I can treat most any boo boo without a doctor.

No need for insurance but you can still pay for it if you like.

Well that solves everything.
Someone who despises free markets, the Constitution and practices Liberation Theology. Your team.
So you're saying Richard Spencer is an extreme leftist...

The guy who coined the term Alt-right to describe the movement he was a shaper of from the beginning.
The racist.
The guy who supports Trump's policies.
The guy who supports privatization.

He's a communist now?
He is a Marxist scholar?
Friends with Noam Chomsky?

There goes that correlation between right-wing ideas and stupidity again.
Wow, I didn't know you could prevent Ms, Alzheimer's, MD, cancer, Parkinson's ect.with diet.

Are you really this stupid?
You can't treat any of it with a doctor their is no cure for anything listed sure surgery on cancer can work but healthy diet and cannabis can treat it better than chemo. As for healthy diet I mean non GMO food no city water, chagga and Reishi mushrooms etc. Chagga and reishi has actually been proven effective on cancer ask a doctor they know nothing of it. MS marijuana is the best treatment ask Montel. Alzheimer's cannabis and shrooms have been proven effective the doctor can't help you their. Cluster headaches only cure shrooms and LSD the doctors give you tylenol opiates and oxygen for something that can be cured.

Not to mention nobody is telling you you can't get health insurance. Obamacare just made it more expensive for health insurance that you are forced to buy by law. Something like Canada would be fine just take a few billion from the military Russia is not far behind us and they don't spend half the money.
So you're saying Richard Spencer is an extreme leftist...

The guy who coined the term Alt-right to describe the movement he was a shaper of from the beginning.
The racist.
The guy who supports Trump's policies.
The guy who supports privatization.

He's a communist now?
He is a Marxist scholar?
Friends with Noam Chomsky?

There goes that correlation between right-wing ideas and stupidity again.
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Identity politics are Marxist, yes.
Yeah let's go to almost any fucking country in the world and see how much better off it would be without a history of white aggression.

It must be all that nonwhite colonialism...

Saw this post on the sidebar, not sure if you're a troll or just being witty/sarcastic. Finishing up a basic history class in community college, learned an interesting fact about slavery.

Did you know that slavery was thing in Africa, and that Africans frequently sold their own into slavery to Europeans? Granted, slavery in Africa was a good bit different (they were kind of like indentured servants, and their terms would end eventually. Kind of like a bond system), but its a trip to hear about that. I never knew growing up, everyone was so touchy on the subject. Just made it seem like 100% of the slaves were tribes captured off the coast and shipped stateside. True, that happened, but its not just a "color" of people that are bad.

Every humans fallen. Every human, way deep down, is corrupt. Any person of any color can choose to be good and fight against their corruption, and any person of any color can choose to give in and do bad things. Continuing this racist movement you're preaching just harms people in the end brother. You're better :) I know it for a fact because you're just like me! Right now you're just giving in to hate instead of fighting against it.

Sorry if im off my mark and you're just a troll or just stirring the pot :P figured it was an interesting point to make nonetheless. Good day to you sir.
White people are savage as fuck and have infected the world with deadly diseases, plundered the world's resources by committing genocide and dominated every culture militarily. Your community college basic history notwithstanding, the world would be a much better place, had there never been white people on it.

Shut the fuck up YT. The world would be a better place if your mom had taken some dark meat instead of your dad's flaccid little dick. Also, fuck you.

I'll leave this here as proof to back up my claim. Anyone, regardless of color can be bad. Just like anyone, regardless of color can be good. Sadly, Kony has done quite a bit of bad over in Africa.
I'll leave this here as proof to back up my claim. Anyone, regardless of color can be bad. Just like anyone, regardless of color can be good. Sadly, Kony has done quite a bit of bad over in Africa.

it would take about 40 million joseph kony's just to match what white people did to the native americans in north america.

but ya know they are like basically the same and all.