Banana OG 5 weeks flower


Well-Known Member
Co2 does affect the plants in your room causing higher humidity lvls. When your plants receive enough co2 to boost it's original state, the transpiration goes up. Transpiration is the process in which your leaves transpire water into the air and receive new water through the stoma after the prior water in the leaves have transpiration. By adding higher lvl's of co2 in the air you are in turn creating more humidity in your growing space.
Well said! I've been in my cge environment for too long lol, all I ever see is the humidity I set the dehumidifier to. But you are absolutley right, more transpiration = more humidity.


Well-Known Member

So here we are at 53 days. Everything is frosting up nice. Someof the canopy is starting to loose its luster but that is to be expected. Trics are still mostly clear. I also lowered humidity to about 30%RH


Well-Known Member
man thats some pretty weed unity. you think the trichs have swelled up a little with the lowered humidity?

64IMGP5320.jpg64IMGP5327.jpg64IMGP5321.jpg64IMGP5326.jpg64IMGP5319.jpgNot sure Don, looks about the same. What changed for sure is how much water they draw up, and there is somewhat more degregation of the canopy due to the lower humidity. On the bright side all the fungus gnats I have been batteling with seem to have moved out. So bottom line, I can maybe se a more tric push, but not much.

I'm starting flush today, well I don't really feed them nothing, I just let them ride down the nutes in the res, while I top off with water. Next weekend comes the harvest :))


Well-Known Member
They came down 3 days ago at 9 weeks. Could have come down maybe a week earlier, but most of the trics were milky. calaxes swelled up nicely, but resin glands are not as bountiful as I had hopped. Overall a easy harvest due to the low leaf to bud ratio. This strain is not a keeper for me, not enough yield, and inferior tric production. Let's hope the high is there, I'll update on that.

Before harvest & after:IMGP5328.jpgIMGP5340.jpgIMGP5330.jpgIMGP5338.jpgIMGP5341.jpgIMGP5335.jpgIMGP5339.jpgIMGP5337.jpgIMGP5333.jpgIMGP5343.jpgIMGP5342.jpg


they still look beautiful, could always sell a few zips and buy some real good seeds, i think theyre nice imo


Well-Known Member
Kinda funny some people on thc farmer make a huge deal about this cut... Glad you tell it like it is;)