BANANAS and fruit tea for flowering?? What do YOU use????


iv heard that if u boil 4 banana skins to four cups of water you can make a mix thats high in potassium and great for flowering how true is this and what method would you use?
iv also been told to cut up fruit apple, orange etc leave it in a zip lock for two weeks then use as a tea for your soil also great for flowering!!
bone meal frozen crushed and boiled is also great for flowering as i said its all hear say so i want to know what you use methods etc would b great help thanks!!!


You don't make 'tea' in such a manner or with raw fruit or fruit peels. If anything, the fruit peels or by-products should be composted first, as microbes will be able to break down the sugars, starches, and other more complex compounds into simpler fragments and, ultimately, plant usable nutrients.

AACT or actively aerated compost tea is made by aerating a solution with compost, humus or earthworm castings (e.g. with an aquarium air pump\stone) along with blackstrap molasses as a carbohydrate\mineral source; so the beneficial microbes proliferate. Other ingredients such as guano and meals (kelp meal, alfalfa meal), etc may be added as well.


Well-Known Member
I use bone meal in the soil before I plant and I also use it as a top dressing along with Earthworm castings it breaks down so slowly that it's not worth putting in a tea. That and I've been using molasses every other watering.