

Well-Known Member
Yo, it's not hermi... people are stupid. If you are not seeing st8up male flowers, but instead have lil bananas growing out of the female flowers, this is called self seed.

It will produce S1 seeds from the plant that grew them. If the pollen hits any other fems of the same strain it will make a real fem seed.

Just watch out you don't spread that shit. I just had 1 auto start to self seed next to 6 photo females, I didn't wanna risk it so chopped the whole plant.
Thanks for the reply Algore. I read on ICMAG that quite often the pollen from those nanners is not viable. I haven't researched that any further, but is seems most people would disagree with that statement. I'm just doing my best to find them and pluck them. I usually catch 'em while they are still tiny and green, but I'm sure there are plenty inside of the buds.
i would cut it down. i had the same situation and wanted to draw it out but it continued to push them out. As much as it hurts I would suggest cut it down at once, protect the rest of your crop from not being sensimilia


Well-Known Member
I expect them to keep showing up. But three of my plants have now produced these things. I am going to ride the storm out. If I were to chop 'em, I would always wonder whether perhaps I should not have.

If it does turn into a seedy mess, at least I will KNOW FOR SURE not to ever do that again!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
At this point, you might as well just finish them all. Just remove whatever you spot. Seeded bud is still good bud, and I'd have thought keeping 4 possibly seeded plants is better than one sensimillia. Then clean down, lesson finished. Failure is as important as success, in everything.


Well-Known Member
At this point, you might as well just finish them all. Just remove whatever you spot. Seeded bud is still good bud, and I'd have thought keeping 4 possibly seeded plants is better than one sensimillia. Then clean down, lesson finished. Failure is as important as success, in everything.
My thoughts exactly. Eventually i'll post a final seed count on this thread. haha.0315141533.jpg
perhaps position them to where the fan blows on the un-hermied plants first so if it does happen they dont get as much of the pollen on them

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That's exactly what I did. Great minds think alike maybe?:peace:
Nope. Unfortunately not. If there is a fan blowing, doesn't matter how or from where, that pollen will get EVERYWHERE. Unless we're talking a jet turbine or something. The typical scenario is that with the fans suitable to growing, if there is pollen, those fans are gonna be blowing it all around the grow. remeber, it just takes one lil teeny tiny bit and boom, seeds.


Well-Known Member
Nope. Unfortunately not. If there is a fan blowing, doesn't matter how or from where, that pollen will get EVERYWHERE. Unless we're talking a jet turbine or something. The typical scenario is that with the fans suitable to growing, if there is pollen, those fans are gonna be blowing it all around the grow. remeber, it just takes one lil teeny tiny bit and boom, seeds.
Yeah that makes sense. But for now, I'm employing wishful thinking. lol! I can't wait til these plants finish!