Heres my take on it. Scobby is always stirrin up shit. He gives shit away which is really cool for the people getting it but not cool for the people not getting it. I nkow hes going to read this shit so scoobs here ya go with my take....
You seem like a nice guy, but your a pompus asshole about it and thats why you rub people the wrong way. I saw a thread you were in the other day and it was all like, look at my boat, look at my car, look at my lawn, and on, and on. I was ready to puke it was so blatently keyboard masterbation. Theres members who post pics of their rides and lawns and building stuff like you did, but nobody around here throws it down like its some kind of dick measuring contest.
And then the giving away money thing. Theres being nice and then theres buying friends and rubbing everyones nose in the fact that your doing well. Being nice would be like posting a thread asking people how broke they are under a new account name. Youd find some people really worthy of some money and send em or someone they know a check in the mail. Thats nice. Buying friends would be like posting a thread saying im giving away 5000 dollars to whoever can give me the best bullshit story about life. One way makes you a saint and the other way makes you look lonely or looking for a pat on the back, or up to somthing fishy. Saint is a good look, hey everyone look how nice i am and look at all my cool shit isnt a good look.
Then theres the whole fuckin with rollie just to be an asshole. Theres alot of people that dont care you cant have contests, or give shit away, people who just like talkin weed with other growers. If you want a site thats all about contests, give aways, and seeing who has the most motors on their boat then make one. You say you have the money so do it up, frick if there was give aways happening all the time id probably join too. Why not i like free shit just like everybody else. Hell id be happy winning some ph drops for telling a story but thats one of the rules of the site that it just isnt alowed. The mods have jobs to do and making their lives hell is the equivilent to those spam bots that come in and post some bullshit on everyones thread except the spam bots dont make fun of the mods for having an 11 dollar an hour job. I make less than that but im not about to work for free cleaning up a site that others enjoy just to be made fun of by some arrogent prick who drives an audi. That dude is, hes willing to work an 11 dollar an hour job and then try and make it so assholes that give him shit can have a virtual playground to mess around in.
You know what man, if you like givin shit away to people that need it by all means, give shit away. If you like being a great human on a daily baisis then thats all good. But when you keep posting pictures that scream looooooooooooook at how frickin cool i am, and generous, dont be surprised if people think your a douchbag. You seem like a smart guy so i know that youll see where im coming from with alot of this. I dont dislike you either. I think your different, thats all. You do what you do and it doesnt effect me one bit. Your knowledge is helpfull and thats cool. I just wrote this because thats what i see you coming across as. I think a little humbility in a persons life is a good thing and nobody wants to be that guy that everyone calls a douch behind his back.